These are my thoughts after studying 1 John during the month. They are highlights that stirred me. I want to wrestle with the text – not just debate it. To understand this book it must be read and experienced in real time. This blog is intended  for discussion and prayer. Dig deep….  


What are we supposed to tell them? 

Exodus 19

 3 Then Moses went up to God, and the Lord called to him from the mountain and said, “This is what you are to say to the descendants of Jacob and what you are to tell the people of Israel: ‘You yourselves have seen what I did to Egypt, and how I carried you on eagles’ wings and brought you to myselfNow if you obey ME fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. Although the whole earth is mine, you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.’ These are the words you are to speak to the Israelites.” 

Wow. Powerful words from the Lord! There are many words spoken today. Look further in 1 Peter 2:9 (New Testament): 9 “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession…”

WHY? It is not to be elitist, exclude others or be a clique, but for this reason:

“That you may declare the praises of Him who called you (out of darkness} and (into His wonderful light).“ Special for a purpose, a reason. IF you are Gods  chosen priests, then  you will praise,  worship, and  proclaim Gods praises. That is the defining activity or mark that you are His, chosen and His treasured possession. We praise not because we like to sing, we praise because we are aware of where we came from, aware of our great need, aware of the much, much better life He has given us.

Darkness of sin, ignorance, circumstances, spiritual blindness, all of that can be painful. Coming out of that is praiseworthy. We are called out of that and into Gods wonderful light. We do not praise God because we are special, we praise God because we were living in sin and the coming of His light (Jesus) made things so much better. We received salvation, redemption, deliverance. We were not just saved from something, but we were saved TO something – living in Gods wonderful light. Its not enough to be saved from, we must be saved for His purpose and walk that purpose out in our daily lives.

John explains this further in his letter 1 John when he tells us that God is light:

This is the message we have heard from Him and declare to you: God is light; in Him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with Him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth. But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, His Son, purifies us from all sin.

In the post covid era this may be more challenging, but it is still relevant today. Fellowship is not around a doctrine or church group – fellowship is getting together with the redeemed and celebrating our collective redemption and salvation. It is not a church gathering but a redeemed soul gathering. It is a blood bought blessing that no germ or sickness can prevent. It is a drive, a need, an essential part of every believer’s life.

God is light. In His light we see our darkness. His light exposes our sin, our excuses, our relationships. We also see what is true in the light. Fakes, frauds, and replicas are hard to spot – until the light shines on them. We just moved into a new place with new carpeting. It looks great at night but when I pull up the blinds in the  morning, my big, beautiful windows pour in light. That light exposes every paper clip, lint, and piece of dirt possible. Perhaps that is why some  avoid the light, fellowship, other Christians, or church? It does not mean there is no dirt — it just means if you stay in the dark – you cannot see it. It is time to come out of the shadows….

The early Christians used light to remind them of God’s presence. When they had olive oil, their lamps burned brightly. When they did not -it represented a crisis of both a physical reality and absence of God. Hanukkah, which is coming in the months ahead is a reminder of this. On our own, we can not shine. We need Gods presence, the oil of His Holy Spirit to illumine. God is light. To live in light is powerful – not just a verse in 1 John.

I was shopping with my oldest son in NC a couple of months back. While standing in the men’s department while he was trying on clothes, I heard a song on the overheard speaker. The lyrics of the song basically said “you are not enough and need to buy new stuff to be accepted. ” I remember the controvery in the 80s about songs that brainwashed  kids and the fury to prove songs were back maskedd. This however was not played backwards, and it was not in some shady bar where I heard this. I was shopping in a store. I was shocked. It was blatant. It was not true – the words were not true; the message did not ring true. The message blaring over the overhead speaker was opposite of the truth yet no one was listening. It was lulling them into a belief system while they shopped. The sales rep agreed with me when I pointed out the lyrics. She said she hated it, but I was the only one who said anything about it. Our minds need to fight against false messages and agendas. Truth must be in our minds and inward parts if we are to resist the world. Light in our minds (truth) illumines our dark, twisted, and incorrect thoughts.

What else is not true? Well, some would say that makeup masks the true look of women. Fragrance can mask the true scent of a man. Clothing can make older people look younger. Holes in jeans make them look old even when they are new. TRuth has become relative. Photo shopping can alter anyone. What is real ?  Not all of this is bad but where we used to have “true” religion we now have syncretism, masked idolatry. Where there were true politicians, we now have paid lobbyists. Other categories can be blurred  –too flammable to name here.  How does this adjust our trust level, confidence? What is real, genuine true? My pastor stated recently that America is no longer a melting pot, but a boiling pot and he is correct. No longer are people blending together. They are rigid and sometimes even hostile. How can we live in the truth, in light when we do not see or even understand? Is God aware of this darkness, does He have a plan?

While studying this passage I was also reading in the Biblical book called Judges – how they had disobeyed God and were living in a wicked culture. “The Israelites did evil in the eyes of the Lord, and for seven years He gave them into the hands of the Midianites. Because the power of Midian was so oppressive, the Israelites prepared shelters for themselves in mountains.“

Note how they got there, it was not cultures fault or folly, but their disobedience. Yikes! In the midst of the story of Gideon we learn much about the character and nature of God. He can be known and in spite of our flaws, He will be with us. God is not surprised or caught off guard by any of this. Also note that He saw the character of Gideon – true valor in a very untrue culture.

Over forty times in 1 John, we are told to know God. How does that helps in times of darkness? God, today and in Biblical times was often mis- marketed. Then and now people who do  not know Him and His character make up stuff about Him and then question Him and His treatment of His people. We expect the world to misrepresent God, but it is sad when even the church has forgotten who He really is. There are also those who have maligned Gods person – those who have studied Him at great length but have not known Him experientially. While many profess to know God, many have never experienced life in Christ or seen Him in action in their lives, churches or on the streets. They know about Him, but do not know HIM.

John 5: 39-40 “You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me,  yet you refuse to come to me to have life.”   Coming to God is relational. Scripture is a bridge to God, not God.

Taking the truths of scripture and applying them to our prayer life, family life and ministry will give us insights not possible thru a mere study or research of Gods word. I want you to know today that He is light, He is love and He is true. Not just in the Bible but in our hearts, on the streets.

1 John 5:20 says, “And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know Him who is true; and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life.”

In a world that is vying for power, fighting for relevance, and postured towards division, we can find comfort that we know the One True God. No fight, no fury, no chaos. True. That true God can be known and, in that relationship,  knowing the One True God –we can experience His light, love and fellowship. We can see Him for who He is, and He can see His children for who they are. We can know TRUE love and community. It is the litmus test, the standard by which all other loves and relationships should be measured.

We are not that light, but we can reflect and shine forth that light. We can get to know God not just by study, but by knowing from experiential relationship. We get to know God only as we walk in love and fellowship. Not thru Sunday School, research or degree. Those are starters – not the finished product. That makes our walk of the utmost importance because it leads us closer to the One who walks with and within us. 

God is light – we are not light but if we remain in Him, He will illumine our lives. We are not true but if we embrace the One who is, we will see ourselves and others more clearly and have fellowship with Him. It may sound simplistic but that is what our world needs now – Light. Love. Truth. Not the kind that divides– but the kind that unifies as we walk in Him.

John kept  this book sweet and short — but its the core of Christianity. He knew Jesus. 

You saw the light? Go share it.

You see someone in darkness – bring love and  light.  ASK God to show you where He wants to bring love and light.

Do you know someone in chaos, stress, or confusion? Introduce them to the One that is true.

My husband works with solar panels. They store light during the day and then at night they give back electricity and power. The light does not come from the panels – it comes from the sun but if it is received and stored it can be useful when its dark outside. You do not wait until its night to store light – you store it in the panels while it is still day. Soak in God’s word – night is coming.

Those who have been taking in the light – are now shining in the darkness. They are purposed for that reason. Not to sell socks or take naps — they are to do one thing – take in the true light, then shine.

Dear brother, sister– we are  a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a Holy nation—not just to know the true light but “that we should show forth the praises of Him who has called us out of darkness into His wonderful light. “ Its not enough to know God is light, we must praise Him for it and bring that same light to others in truth and fellowship.

The sun is setting, night is only minutes away.

Know Him, praise Him and walk in His light – it is the “truest” thing we can do.

Renae Roche 2022

This great Light of Gods’ – I’m gonna let it shine, this great light of Gods’, I’m a gonna let it shine, everywhere I go, I’m gonna let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine… Jesus gave me the light, I’m gonna let it shine, Jesus gave me the light….

This is how we GROW in GRACE and KNOWLEDGE >>>>>>>


2 Peter

This book will address issues inside the church while the first letter addressed issues outside the church. Watch for words like holiness, diligence and walking according to Gods kingdom rather than one’s own will. Following Gods voice is the mark of a Christian and walking after the flesh is a sign of unbelief. 2 Peter is an excellent book to study as a church group. It is easy to compare to those “out there” rather than do the hard work of  looking within and conforming to the character of Christ. As the days grow darker, this book will help the believer to stand and have hope.

One of the main exhortations is in the first chapter: “ His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness.” Everything we need – that is good news. Peter goes on to say that in addition to one’s faith we need to add virtue which is  moral goodness or purity. That is a different standard than the world which simply proposes that all you have to have is faith and love without any standard of holiness. Virtue alone is not enough either, to that we need to add knowledge – something many churches today seem to shun, to their own detriment. We all have much to learn until the Lord returns. Learning is a sign of humility and education is much less expensive than ignorance. In this day we need to be the best we can be to reach the most people we can. Learning from others is imperative. We fully see Christ when we see Him in other people. The modern church is severally limited when we do not listen to children, poor, men, women, disabled or those from other generations. Add to your faith – knowledge both of Christ and those He wants to reach.

 Peter goes on to say that he is telling them the truth, especially concerning the return of the Lord in power. “We were eyewitnesses of His majesty. He received honor and glory from God the Father when the voice came to him from the Majestic Glory, saying, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.” We ourselves heard this voice that came from heaven when we were with him on the sacred mountain.” What a testimony and it was firsthand! Peter saw the risen Lord, he heard God declaring that Jesus was His son. Peter promises that this same Lord will return – in power.

Chapter Two

Peter exhorts the early Christians to not follow after false prophets. These were not people with different opinions – they were actively denying Christ and promoting heresies. The word righteous appears many times in chapter two. It was a name given to Noah, it guided people in the right way. Note that righteous Lot was tormented by seeing and hearing the lawless deeds of the people around him. It  must have been pretty public for that to occur because there was no CNN or MSNBC. When the righteous flourish the wicked go inside. When lawlessness abounds, the wicked do their evil deeds in public, there is no shame. We mindlessly take in the behavior of the prevailing culture- to our detriment. Lot recognized that watching these things was impacting his mind and soul. Whether its real life, television or on our phones – are we guarding what vexes our souls?

As we ponder what those deeds are we can add something else to that list – despising, disdaining, and talking against those in government. Ouch. Those are not my words – they are Peters. In our day bashing politicians seems to be acceptable behavior, but it was not to Peter, nor is it to God. The Bible clearly calls us to pray for those in authority and government leaders. “Go Brandon” is daring (the definition of disdain)– it is also considered sin. Mocking, scoffing at leaders in any camp does not produce honor. Whether it is Obama, Trump, your pastor, Bishop, or  Sunday school teacher – God wants us to pray for and support those in authority, so it may go well with us. Polls and popularity do not change Gods opinion on these matters. We must be short on opinions and long on love. God sees leaders and knows if they are doing wrong or hurtful things, He is a faithful judge. We are still called to keep in Gods path. Open rebellion or scorn does not promote unity. It can be difficult, but God is still sovereign and will deal with those not walking in righteousness.

There are two national situations I would love to write about on this blog but do not want to use this platform for a soap box. What I can say is that public fighting over leaders who are not acting right may feel good in the moment but at what cost? There are unbelievers watching, there are depressed people calculating, there are hopeless people waiting for any excuse to give up. My mama used to tell us to be loyal and not “air our dirty laundry in public.” Still wise advice. Yes, there are concerns when racism, sexism or other issues go unaddressed, but we become like these people when we start branding all of “them” as blind, arrogant or uninformed. If we are all left blind by  infighting –who will see the coming Christ or His bride that He is preparing? Prayer, mutual submission, humility, and Peters list in this book (faith, virtue, kindness, love) are all good steps to walking in Christs kingdom. Some will loudly demand their rights; some will passively shrink in silence– but there are others waiting on the Lord to give guidance and continuing to walk in His will and voice. God will ultimately have His way.


There are some scholars who continue to question this books authorship but in chapter one, vs one as well as here in chapter three, Peter tells us that he wrote it. “Dear friends, this is now my second letter to you. I have written both of them as reminders to stimulate you to wholesome thinkingI want you to recall the words spoken in the past by the holy prophets and the command given by our Lord and Savior through your apostles.

Peter desires they have wholesome thinking. Righteous thoughts lead to righteous actions. He also wants them, as a solution for their stress – to recall the words spoken in the past by the holy prophets and the command given by Jesus through the apostles. Reading and understanding the holy prophets words will require study, reflection and knowledge. Those who love Jesus will invest the time to get to know Him. It is a heart posture – not a gender issue. The word of God calls us to do this. Rather than share  my thoughts, I will ask the question, “how do these words comfort us?” We are exhorted to recall them, so they are important. Please email me your thoughts regarding Peters instruction. Peter does not leave the Old Testament on a dusty shelf but tells us that these words are still very important for our consolation and hope.

God is reserving the scoffers for judgement. The ungodly may deliberately forget God is creator, but God will not forget His creation. My favorite verse in this letter is in vs. nine, “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead, He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” ALL. Are welcome and ALL are needed to impact the Harvest. ALL.

But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness dwells.” Heaven will be filled with righteousness and holiness – not everyone’s rights and preferences. I am not sure everyone will still want to go there if they know that, but nevertheless, it is Gods dwelling and He is righteous. Votes, Polls and news reports do not change Gods righteousness.

14 “So then, dear friends, since you are looking forward to this,

make every effort (be diligent with speed, effort, and promptness),

to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with him.” Peace means tranquility, harmony, and rest.

17 “Therefore, dear friends, since you have been forewarned, be on your guard (beware) so that you may not be carried away by the error of the lawless and fall from your secure position.”

If this were not possible, Peter would not warn against it. We must do our part to resist the devil and lawlessness, trusting in Christ. It is an imperative that we stay alert and on guard against the temptations and evil around us. 

 18 But grow (another imperative, meaning to become larger, augmented, become greater and increase)

in the GRACE  (favor, benefit, reward, kindness)

and KNOWLEDGE (moral wisdom and understanding)

of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be glory both now and forever! Amen.

These nuggets of wisdom from Peter who knew Christ, was an eyewitness of Christ and heard the voice of His father declaring this was His son are priceless. Study them, reflect on them and apply them. If we do that, we will understand how to navigate the stress and frustrations of our culture. We will have hope for the coming of the Lord and stand strong in the midst of a crooked generation.

Continuing to HOPE in the One who is Righteous and His return,

Renae Roche 2022



Jacob Morse photo 6/22  Steele N.D. Lenticular Clouds –  Twitter/ FB


In the book of the Bible titled First Peter, an apostle of Christ is writing to the church and letting them know that not only are they precious but chosen. Gods’ foreknowledge knew who would be called and who would answer that call. He knows also how to keep them. That is in the first chapter – in Calvinist and Armenian Bibles. The point – is not to debate that verse, but rather live it.

Are we living in the awareness that God has set out our steps to glorify Him? That we are chosen and have a purpose and plan before us every single morning, when and if, we wake up? Powerful thought and Peter will keep that thought before his audience until it works itself out in their congregations.

Here are some verses that were especially meaningful to our family this month:

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you, who through faith are shielded by God’s power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time. In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory, and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. ( 1 Peter 1:3-6)

Kept -–  Means providing protection against the enemy, i.e. He kept the city, “with a garrison.” It is used of the security of the Christian until the end and that sense of security that is his / hers when he puts all his matters into the hand of God. Phil. 4:7 is the same word “shall guard” which is not merely that of protection but of inward garrisoning as by the Holy Spirit. It means  a benevolent custody and watchful guardianship, in view of worldwide idolatry (cp.Isa.5:2) BLB.

God will keep us in the midst of storms and dangers – inside, internally. When we turn to Him, He will garrison and guard. In a culture that is producing fear at every turn it is easy to forget that God keeps us and our inheritance. In our church, we have enjoyed loving people in the streets and doing outreach in our city this past year. Recently there have been a number of  shootings,  robberies and one man was even found to have weapons of mass destruction. We definitely need to pray for our cities and their protection. Even when we were unaware of the danger around us, God has still kept us. We have walked through many things, often not knowing until days or months later, that real threats were present. God has saving  and keeping power. 

Dead men are not afraid. Dead women do not count the cost. Our lives are surrendered for His purposes. Peter was well acquainted with these issues. I wonder, when we exchanged our lives in the waters of baptism, if we realized we would be living out the bidding of a holy God. Would we still sign up?  Gods will can feel risky if we forget His character. The greater risk is staying home in fear. The greater risk is letting the enemy win. The greater risk is allowing a culture to go on believing that they are not important or that no one loves them. If our lives are not our own –why are we living them out in our houses or even our churches?

A missionary told my parents  (before my sister went on a mission’s trip) that ” hundreds of people die every year in their showers. Very few die on missions’ trips. If you really want to be safe – don’t shower.”  We  laughed, my sister went on the trip of a lifetime and our perspective changed greatly. There are calculated risks and then accidental risks. We rely on the prayers of those who love us and pray – it makes a difference. My husband often reminds me that the safest place to be is “in the will of God.” The cross was not safe –but it was necessary.

In verse 13, Peter will go on to call the church to prepare or “gird up the loins of their minds”. Prepare, and let your mind know that it is not boss. Francis Chan shared on Tik Tok recently (Gods Thoughts are Higher 6/22) that he was afraid for the younger generation. He said, “I think one of the most destructive practices of your generation is that you value your own thoughts way too much. When God says my thoughts are not the same as  yours and you want to look inside and tell everyone what you’ve been thinking and how you’ve been feeling, rather than opening up the word of God and saying these truths are way beyond mine.”  Wow. Our minds need to be saturated with Gods mind and heart, so we are ready for His will. Dead people do not sit around weighing their ideas or calculating their next move. They no longer do their “own thing” but the will of the father. We lean into God, and He keeps us –internally and externally.

God is able to save, keep and send.

Jesus was manifest in the last times – for us. The Holy Spirit was given for us to walk out the will of God. That is amazing – but we will only see it as we walk it out. It is designed that way. These words are so essential. Hear vs. 21:

21 For even hereunto were you called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that we should follow His steps:   Following Jesus means we are going where He went and is going. He did not go to Starbucks and sit around and evaluate the culture and leaders. He did not do a top ten songs tour or start a 501c3.  He did find the poor, the uninvited, disregarded, and frightened – and did not leave them that way. You have big shoes to fill Jesus! May we walk today where you would walk if you were physically here. Be here among us, with us.

When Covid struck, many churches shut down and many leaders quit. Those already stressed out could not navigate the new ways to do things. Things were in a state of unrest when 1 Peter was written also. Some were persecuted, some beheaded and many were scattered. and Peter reminds us that when things get really tough –we have a Heavenly Bishop, an eternal Shepherd to call on, who always hears and keeps and guides. God does not get Covid. We are never alone because the Chief Shepherd is keeping us. I am so glad God is never blocked, barricaded or prevented from ministering to us. (Listen to You Tube: I am not alone, Maverick city).

Peter does not name names or point out specific issues but gives them a clear, concise roadmap to follow. Chapter 3 tells us, Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous:”

Isn’t it odd that Peter had to tell them that? The early Christians must not have been as sanctified as we imagine. ONE mind means they would be worshipping ONE God and being fit by HIS will into that ONE body. That would imply that they would not fit together into one holy habitation if they were each doing only their own will. ouch. Peter goes on to define what that looks like: compassionate of one another, loving as brothers and sisters, merciful and courteous. Later he will tell them to have ever increasing, fervent, boiling over love for one another. That is what Christs body looked like then and what it must look like now. In spite of chaos, trial, and persecution. Christs’ church, if it really is HIS church will be known by their unity.  Not uniformity – but unity centered in Him.

Peter exhorts them also to: “Sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asks you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear.” Preparation means we do things in advance so when the opportunity presents itself, we are able to perform the required task. Today – will you sit down and write out what your life was like before you met Christ? How did you meet Jesus? What has he done for you? Why do you have hope? Yes, the Holy Spirit can help you on the spot,  but it will calm your heart  if you are ready. You getting healed – that is a praise. You testify to what God has done for you. You getting a new job – that is a praise .  A persons testimony is what life was like before and what changed to make it what it is like today. It points to Jesus and His transformation power- you are testifying to what God has done IN YOU. The world is hungry and thirsty for hope – and your story of salvation. Peter exhorts us – be ready. Christ will be glorified when you give Him the glory for His work in your life. That is just the beginning.

Peter goes on to talk about God externally keeping the ARK. He constructed it with Noah  – not to sink, but to float. Even the early church knew this was a real man, a real boat, and a real covenant. Peter is telling us that God kept Noah and the boat – externally garrisoned. Inside, outside and in our minds – God will keep those and prepare those (katardizo -greek) who walk in His will. That is not just a cute story – it is essential in our time.Noah was strengthened  on the inside, before he got in the ark. He would need that to complete his task.  Noah built the ark outside, long before the first rain drop. Fortify inside/ outside — because the One who has chosen You requests it and because there are clouds forming.

Before exhorting them to watch in prayer and to love one another ( ungrudgingly hospitable) Peter tells them:

For as much then as Christ has suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind:  for He that has suffered in the flesh, has ceased from sin; That he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will of God. For the time past of our life may have allowed us to have done the will of the Gentiles, when we walked in lasciviousness, lusts, excess of wine, reveling, banqueting’s, and abominable idolatries:Wherein they think it strange that you do not run with them to the same excess of riot, speaking evil of you. Who shall give account to Him that is ready to judge the quick and the dead.” 

What a powerful passage – and relevant to what we see on the news!

I will leave this as a sweet surprise for you to study: verse fourteen. What happens when things get dark, and we suffer? Something beautiful that comes no other way – not at church, not at school, not from a textbook. It is the supernatural benefit we can look forward to in these days. When one increases (suffering and trials), so will the other. Peter was watching this process take place  firsthand. What a wonderful teaching illustration from the man who walked with Christ. What a promise for those who follow after Jesus today.

We are to commit the keeping of our souls to the one who will keep us – inside, outside and in our minds. An inner witness, an outer garrison of angels, an alert prepared mind with Gods’ word. Peter knew the secret to fortification when Hell was being unleashed. I am so grateful for his instructions in this letter. For the leaders reading this – you have a special blessing promised when the Chief Shepherd appears (Chap.5). I believe it will make your stress, headaches, and sufferings worthwhile. God sees and knows all and rewards accordingly. May the Shepherds rest and love bless you today.

While we are walking in the footsteps of Jesus – the devil is also walking around– seeking whom he may devour. He is merciless. (See John 10:10). The church, however, is also called to walk – in His steps and  to be compassionate, merciful, loving. What if we also started  walking, following Christs footsteps? What if our main goal was asking God for HIS will instead of our own?

Peter ends his letter by saying:

But the God of all grace, who has called us unto His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, and settle you. To Him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.“

I know this is a little broken, long but it is important to me, to let you know, that praying these verses outside the four walls of the church, made a difference. Asking God for wisdom, direction and anointing is life changing. Doing ministry with Him instead of for Him is as well. It is time to stop listening to critics (and perhaps even fans) and start listening to the Lord. The clouds are gathering.

Here is a song to sing as you gird up the loins of your mind this week: Yes, Jesus loves me, yes Jesus loves me, yes Jesus loves me, the Bible tells me – SOW.


P.S. I shared this blog with some teens and they mentioned that the content reminded them of a Kanye West song, asking the Holy Spirit to come. I listened to it and we discussed the similar themes. I wonder how “one mind” will look in the days to come. Times, people and protocols have changed. Will God bypass those not seeking or doing His will and use those hungry and thirsty for Him? I was surprised at the depth of these teens questions and observations. Lord, help us apply 1 Peter in our lives today. 




What is God Waiting For?

James 5     The Month of June

Be patient, then, brothers and sisters, until the Lord’s coming. See how the farmer (Husbandman) waits for the (precious fruit of the earth) land to yield its valuable crop, patiently waiting for the autumn and spring rains and (hath long patience for it, until He receive the (early and latter rain).

Recently my oldest son led a devotion on patience. He did an excellent job, and I was convicted. That entire day I was very impatient, and fretting. At the end of the day, I was to go in for what I thought was going to be an awful horrible dentist appointment. It turned out to be so easy and pain free I was shocked – and had wasted all that time on worrying. My worrying accomplished absolutely NOTHING except irritating those around me. When we cannot see the end in sight, we tend to get grumpy and impatient, wanting what we want right now. A week later when I led the devotion, I was directed to this text. We are not the only ones who are waiting. God is waiting, God is long-suffering and patient as He waits for His son to return and bring His Bride home. In this passage He is waiting for fruit, precious fruit.

The Lord is pictured in James 5 as a farmer or husbandman. Fruit can be works, deeds or ones changed in evangelism. Fruit, good character, and deeds bless the Lord. He is waiting for the Harvest and precious fruits. What will be gathered today or tomorrow in our lives?

James goes on to say, “You also, be patient and stand firm with established hearts brothers and sisters for the Lord’s return is near. The Judge is at the door, and He is listening!

My husband planted blueberry bushes in our yard last year. This year we can see a few berries popping up. He chose where to plant them because they are his. He gets to receive the fruit because they are his. We can enjoy the fruit with him, but they are his. Those little berries this year give us great hope that there is more to follow. We rejoiced when we saw them because that means there is movement, growth, and hope.

The book of James details how God wants us to grow and flourish. It is not to be super Christians or an advertisement for the “best church” in town. It is to keep the water flowing and to present to HIM, a wonderful Harvest. While we wait, we continue to break up the fallow ground, plant, fertilize and water. We stay in the process of bearing fruit – together, to present our fruit to the Farmer. (See also John 15)

We recently saw on social media, the tragedy in Texas (Robb Elementary Shooting) and as a nation we were crushed. Evil abounds everywhere. There is no reason or justification for taking others’ lives. I was studying James 1 that day,

My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers’ temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

I had to put my Bible down. It was to distressing. How can we even use the word like joy on a day like that? How could God ever say we could have joy in the midst of such a horrific event? I know scripture is true, but it seemed insensitive at the time – until I studied it further.

It does not say joy in general but when you are overwhelmed and surrounded by various afflictions and troubles. We are to consider and perceive (have authority over, as leaders to command) ALL circumstances as having the potential of joy to be wrought– that the Sovereign God can rectify, heal and use it. God did not cause this horrible incident, in fact, Gods’ Word warns against such actions. God has a much longer look towards the horizon than we do. His purposes are eternal and not temporary. 

When, not IF– you fall (are surrounded or encompassed) with various sorts of problems, afflictions and trials, knowing (being convinced of) this, that the PROVING of your faith…   The proving of our faith will accomplish or bring about a desired result. God will come into the circumstance and will grow in us steadfastness, constancy, endurance. says this, “In the New Testament, the characteristic of a  man (or woman) who is not swerved from his deliberate purpose and loyalty to faith and piety, by even the greatest trials and sufferings, patiently waiting with perseverance. James goes on to write that:

If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord.A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.

When we do not know what to do or how to do it, when we are involved or see horrific things and problems, we have a place to go for answers – God. He answers abundantly and liberally and – does not get angry just because we asked for help. He has promised — when we ask for His wisdom – we shall receive it, it shall be given.” That is good news. We cannot blame God for trials or tragedy.  We can trust His character, His heart and as we see in James 1, we can still have joy because God is on the job- bringing redemption in the situation. He did not cause it, but He certainly will FIX or redeem it and bring mercy into every part of it. We  need to trust Him and keep asking for wisdom. When we do not understand – He is still working.

I will leave what that wisdom looks like right now. I have my own opinions but for the sake of this blog I want to urge the reader to know that nothing escapes Gods’ watchful eye. He warns people and shows them the way to go. He redeems people and situations. He turns ashes into beauty, broken things into whole things– all the while hearing each desperate plea. No, you can not unscramble an egg but that is never the end of the story.  We count it all joy because we know that God has the FINAL outcome and word. As Laura Story sings in “Blessings” the pain reminds us –that this is not, this is NOT our home.  The rest of this chapter is relevant:

12 Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love Him.13 Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth He any man:14 But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.15 Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.

Death comes when we seek our own way, ignore God and His Word. This was the scenario in Texas – This is where the journey began and while other safety measures may need to be in place, this was the one that bore (began) the worst fruit imaginable. Being drawn away means we seek our own way, will, and kingdom, ignoring others or making them of less value in our eyes. That is where the problem, most problems, begin.

18 Of His own will He chose to give us birth thru the word of truth, that we should be a kind of first fruits of His creatures.19 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: 20 For the wrath of man worketh NOT the righteousness of God.

I do not claim to have the answers or know how to fix all that is broken –but I have been touched by the book of James, reminding me that we can, must still have joy in spite of what is happening around us. Evil is never the final word. We can know that a supreme God still reigns, sees and will prove us–until He receives the intended result that HE wants to see come about. He is not caught unaware because of any situation and will redeem ALL things, for His glory.

The joy is not the circumstance – it is knowing we are not alone or hopeless in its wake, we are not abandoned in its occurrence. Lord means Lord over ALL and that is the context of our joy – that hope remains, in spite of the trial. Only God bring beauty out of pain.

The question to you this month is this – What will you choose to do with your life? Your relationship with God will determine if you are  drawn nigh or drawn away. If we do not submit to God first, we will not be able to resist the devil. Will we bear bad or good fruit, weeds or wisdom? What will grow? The book of James has great advice for our crops. What fruit will we present to the Lord at the end of this day, month, or life? What are you, we waiting for?


Wrestling and waiting with you,

Renae Roche 2022





Note: the blog was posted Sunday evening after we lost power in a thunderstorm.  We are loving visiting by candlelight tonight but realize how hard it would be to live without electricity daily.  Timely message in many ways. 

This month is officially the start of Summer. The first day and even month,  is celebrated in many countries as May Day which stems from many different traditions. The Puritans banned it; the Jews forbade it, at least during Sabbath. The earliest writings show that it came from the festival “Floralia” which celebrated the Roman goddess, Flora. The people celebrated by offering a sacrifice, throwing beans into the crowds, and releasing rabbits and lambs into the street. They also had dancing and athletic competitions. “Maiouma” [1]was celebrated until the 2nd Century A.D and the nightly revelry were also called  wild parties (another word is used but not appropriate for a Christian website). The revelry continued every three years and the reason we have detailed descriptions of these events is because receipts were kept for all the decorations and expenses. Constantine stopped it, but years later, it resumed. Other nations celebrate this day under various names to bless animals, chant to keep fairies from stealing milk and practice Maypole dancing. It is fascinating to research all the countries that have picked up this “holiday”. In the United States it would be similar to trick-or-treat. People fill baskets of flowers and goodies and leave them on people’s doorsteps. Festivals morph and change in meaning over time. 

What does this have to do with Hebrews? Actually, quite a bit. The Jews and even early Christians had many traditions that impacted their daily lives. The blending of these two cultures was anything but easy. The book of Hebrews contrasts old traditions and rituals with heart issues.  It is a clear description of the New Covenant. When this was written, confusion was at its height and leaders made a huge impact on the culture. Many of the historical writings have been lost, burned, or  were never finished. Many of the saints were martyred. In the midst of that,  many of the Jewish families that were converted took on Christian traditions. There was also a group that tried to maintain their Jewish ones. Like today, families became syncretistic and celebrated their own unique family holidays. The origin of many things got covered and even forgotten. This theological book would point out what was the best “system” or covenant approved by God Himself.

When the author of the Hebrews wrote this letter is was not readily accepted in the Canon. It seems that the politics surrounding its inclusion was so intense they just left it nameless. Paul, the great apostle was possibly already dead.  Now the author reminds the remnant that The APOSTLE sent from God, is still living, active and lives forever. There’s a new high priest  that reigns supreme and his name is Jesus. That would have been comforting to those who recently lost many loved ones. It would have lifted their eyes from the murders, the imprisonments and the theological arguments that had come about after Jesus, was crucified, risen, and then seen by over 400 people.

Great leaders leave big “shoes to fill” when they pass.  I’m thinking of Billy Graham, Elizabeth Elliot, Hollis Gause. These were giants of the faith in my eyes. This past year some Christian leaders have transitioned to other denominations following what they believe is a call to follow Christ. Younger ministers look to the future and question what it will look like for them. It can feel like a time of uncertainty. Two superstar church leaders have been allegedly exposed for living double lives and their young sheep are starting to scatter. It can feel like a time of darkness and confusion. Whenever Paul did pass, it would have been a huge loss to the early church. Paul was the one who set things in order and made sense of the new, early church. They would have felt lost without him. He was the minister par excellence. The author of Hebrews wisely directs us to One greater >>>> than any leader. We are reminded that THE Apostle, that Paul encountered on the Damascus road was now walking the Heavens, interceding, faithful and forever – Jesus. We are pointed to a better Apostle and challenged to look Upward.  The greatest minister, the greatest priest -was, is and shall be Jesus. Kol Yom – Every day. Olam Ed – Forever and Ever.

If I picked one thing to impress on you for this blog, it is this:  Hebrews tells us that Christ is better. Better Defined:  Superior in social class or ability; of a more excellent or effective type or quality. BEST.

The law could not do what Christ could.  The priests could not do what Christ could. The sacrifices were not as good as Christs blood that was once for ALL. The offerings were not as excellent as Christs offering. Christ is greater, better, higher, and able to minister longer than ALL others.  Every sentence, all 13 chapters lead us to the superiority of Christ. He is greater, better than, every offeror or offering. That’s the message of the book of Hebrews.

When I was younger and doing ministry in Haiti, we would join the women washing clothes in the creek. They used washboards and soap, then rinsed with creek water. It was 104 degrees some days. It was unbearable to do anything in that weather. Air conditioning was only a rainstorm with wind. The only thing that could be worse than that, was not having soap or having to wear sweaty, dirty clothes two days in a row. Now that my sweet husband has bought us a new washer, it is a breeze. My washer plays a melody when it is done. So much better! It weighs the clothes and measures the water. I just want to tell others what a relief it is, what a joy it is and what my husband sacrificed to get me that washer. I love him and I enjoy my new washer. Seriously, when we first got it, we watched it spin and felt like royalty. My kids think we are nerds. lol. My clothes have never been cleaner. The New Covenant was promised, it is better than the Old sacrificial system, it was bought with a price. To really  appreciate the new, we first must understand the old. 

If I went back to doing the way I did laundry while in Haiti, that would be an example of legalism. It would be offensive to my husband who diligently worked to provide a better “way”. Sweating in the hot sun may feel like penance but it would not accomplish anything long lasting. Now when I use the new washer, I am fully grateful, appreciative of hubby’s sacrifice and all the extra steps I no  longer have to take. Remembering how things used to be, makes me want to sing a melody! New and improved should be that – new and better, not old, and worse.

We can’t fully grasp that unless we know where we came from, what has changed and how that impacts us today.

The new Priest, the new offerings, the new covenant should bring more freedom, more joy, more rest. Drudgery, effort, striving are replaced by relationship and rest. What does our devotion or fellowship look like? Does it reflect the better covenant?

My family enjoys inviting others to our table and celebrating communion – not to fulfill some law but to celebrate the covenant Jesus provided. Martin Luther said, “Sola Christus- Christ alone” is the source of our salvation. St. Augustine once said, “For grace is given not because we have done great works but in order that we may be able to do them. Ministry flows out of that relationship from people who are grateful for what God has done in their lives. We do not rest or celebrate to get filled up to pour out – that would still be about us and our effort. We draw close to God, celebrating that relationship. Because we are joyful, loved, utterly adored and grateful — we pour out to God and then others.

Festivals are celebrations of people  with common belief systems. We rejoice and rest. Celebrations are easier than being still. People are terrified that if they don’t “do” something they will be unproductive or not needed. Some even resist the topic of rest because it scares them. Some seem to believe that rest is only for the slothful and elderly in our society. The author of Hebrews tells us that there “remains” a rest for the people of God. New Testament rest is not just fulfilled in Christ full stop. It is the beginning of fellowship with the Godhead- entering in HIS rest.

After I was finished writing this blog, my family had communion and a meal. We broke bread, prayed and as we lifted our glasses filled with grape juice, the washer melody began to play, and I was reminded of the enormous sacrifice Jesus made for our sins. In that moment only God understood my tears. I was grateful for being adopted into His family and loved with an everlasting love. Aaagh, so much better. Such a gift, undeserved, full of grace and mercy. No more bulls, goats or mediators.

May I encourage you to dig deeper in history,  your heart, and Gods word to understand this power packed book. May I exhort you to pause, rest and wait on the Lord to hear His voice. Only  the mature can eat solid meat. It takes time, research, rest, and diligent seeking of God to discern Him and His ways. Do not harden your hearts.

Coming out of Egypt (sins, your past) and entering into the promises of God is only the beginning. It is a foundation. Training diligently to know God, to stand firm and rest in God– is a sign of the mature. Do you know what Pharaohs favorite word was? Tomorrow (See You Tube: Tomorrow by the Winans). Many plan tomorrow to seek God and know Him. Today – draw closer to God, today secure your hope and faith, today encourage one another, because tomorrow, may very well– just be to late.

Diligently pursuing God with you,

Renae Roche2022

Ps. Come and Dine  and New Wine are also  beautiful songs  you may like.  


[1] Day Pearse, R. The festival of the Maiuma at Antioch. July 2, 2012. Accessed April 30, 2022.

To: Beloved, believing Philemon, Apphia (believed to be a leader, listed with the apostles and wife of Philemon), their son Archippus, and the house of prayer church that met in their home.

From: Paul  and Timothy, our brother. When Paul wrote something he liked to have witnesses when he wrote it and around those who received it. He was versed in the law and established a pattern for his writings.

This book stirred my soul. I know some will disagree with my opinion on this book-that’s OK – because we’re all growing in the Word, learning along the way, with everyone else. My hope is that you will be stirred to study and that we all get closer to what the author intended. IF only perfect people researched or wrote, we’d all still be reading in Latin.

I saw a Facebook post this week, of a sheep on a rock between two mountains. Literally it was between a rock and a hard place. The caption above it said, “I’m just fine”.  It reminded me of the women’s speaker at our church whose message exhorted us to be loving, transparent, and to receive others. She went on to say that although it is easier to stay isolated, it is not Gods’ heart. Matthew Wests song “Truth be Told” also carries that theme. Powerful words. I asked when I reposted the picture, what it looks like to have authentic relationships today – after a pandemic. It was quiet – no answers. Good relationships are built on covenant and that is rare in our society. We come and go as we please – like Onesimus tried to do. Note Paul didn’t pull a title card but appealed as a brother. Many resist the intimacy and accountability of relationships. You know who didn’t resist them? The apostle Paul and  apostle Apphia and her believing husband Philemon – at least after they got Paul’s letter. Truthful, yet loving friends are rare. Imagine if Paul had not spoken the truth in love? Onesimus would have stayed hiding in Colossae instead of fulfilling his call.

These precious people wrote about important matters, and we’ll look at that in a moment, but did you know that this letter reached reach its destination (because we have a copy) and produced fruit? Did you know that Onesimus (saved and repentant) got welcomed back as a brother? This brother’s life mattered to Paul. He is sent back with Tychicus and possibly even stays in their guest room – that’s where you would have Paul’s son and very heart stay, right? Paul, Philemon, Apphia, Archippus and their house of prayer transforms this man on the run, and history records he became a Bishop, proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ and later wrote about the beauty of celibacy – until he was killed for his faith.

Why have we not heard more of this amazing story? Maybe because we too looked at Onesimus’s sin instead of his potential fruitfulness. Maybe we judged him by his size, singleness, or family system instead of Gods’ calling on his life? Maybe we too doubt the power of a praying wife, a praying house or a godly couple because they’re not one of the name brands. Recently we saw someone come to Jesus that I never thought possible. When I saw the glory and freedom, I knew it was Jesus that had intervened. Our minds and faith are biased, finite. Our doubts are often bigger than our trust levels. We may wrongly think “that’s all that person could ever be” and move on – but God doesn’t, then or now because of this:


It’s a big fancy word for grace, and forgiveness. It is the action of declaring or making one righteous in the sight of God. “Just as if I’d never done it”, does not do the word justice because it’s more like Matthew West sings – God, “YOU already know, let the Truth be told”. Jesus doesn’t sweep our sin under the carpet. His way is full disclosure, full payment, and full grace. Acknowledging failure and completely fixing it – that’s the signature of Jesus. That’s why they call grace amazing – because it is.  “Justification saves the soul from sin and Sanctification purges the carnal nature”.  We trust that for ourselves and once and awhile, others in the pew beside us at church, but not often for those in the world of darkness and sin. Paul appeals to this couple (Apphia and Philemon) to remember him, though now aged and imprisoned. His life story speaks to sacrifice, forgiveness, and reconciliation. Who could deny him a favor after all he had been through, all he had done?  Ultimately, we reflect on Gods saving grace and that He declares us justified because of the work on the cross. That is our reason for receiving others – because we first were received, though undeserving.

We love because God first loved us.

That is the anchor for opening up our hearts and homes to others – for being hospitable and Godly in relationships. Jesus is our example. Perhaps that’s why communion is not as popular as it once was -it is our example of a covenant keeping God who invites us to not only to His table but His eternal home.

This book is seldom preached. It cuts through all the “isms”.  It’s short, but its message is mammoth, revolutionary, and eternal. The broken can come home, the sinner can be saved, the lost can be found. Reconciliation is possible because of the ONE who first reconciled us. To “receive” someone means to admit into friendship, show hospitality, take to oneself as companion, to take by the hand, to bring into one’s home with the element of food sharing, to give access to one’s heart. It is very different than the distant, tepid love we often see in Christians today. (I’m still humming Cory Asbury’s song In the Father’s House because I think it reflects Onesimus’ life). People change when they encounter the living Savior – there’s hope when Jesus comes in the room. The  author of the next book seems to be very familiar with this thought and will call us to even entertain angels unaware.

Historical records tell us that when the local enemies discover sister, apostle, mother, wife, prayer warrior Apphia is having yet another one of her fiery prayer meetings- they riot in the streets. Prayer enrages the enemy. When the enemy came to their house – the people ran out– but she and her family remained. Hear the echo of John 15 – Lord give us fruit that remains! Their son is stabbed to death as they are carried out and Philemon and Apphia are martyred – buried waist deep and then stoned to death. The “fruitful one” and her husband the “kissing one” yield one more seed, the martyr seed which will continue on to build the church. What a sadness must have hit Onesimus to hear this news of his friends who welcomed him back –of whom the world was not worthy. Apphia and her son deserve to be mentioned also as the recipients of Paul’s letter. They are, like Philemon, Heroes of the faith.

Were you received by Christ in spite of your sin? Were you justified by Christ in spite of your brokenness? How will you pass that on today? Who will you receive in sacred offering to the Lord? They may be the seed of the church, a bishop or just a really lovely house guest.

The One who is coming– calls us to prepare. We wait in expectation, we wait refreshing others, we wait being hospitable. We pray for our hearts, our homes, our churches, and nation. To do any less would not do justice to the One who justified and received us- first.  

The coffees on,     RenaeRoche2022


    Titus – March 2022

The events in the news, these last couple of days, have left us overwhelmed. Cities are experiencing anarchy as never before, and  innocent people are being harmed. The guards at our borders say they have reached their limit, as illegals sneak through– potentially bringing drugs and disease.  War abroad has caused much fear and suffering. Perilous times have increased and though forewarned, many are not prepared. Paul, in his letter to Titus instructs him to “put things in order”.  We cannot understand their context unless we factor in  martyrdom and persecution taking place. We must realize that Paul is not saying this while energetically shouting and hopping behind a pulpit. He is writing while imprisoned. Though years written in advance of our current news cycle — Gods’ advice is timeless.

Chapter ONE

     In a world of political hacks and fake news, we are reminded God is true – He does not lie. We can count on His promises. That is news we need today! Paul goes on to spell out qualifications  for leaders. He addresses family systems. Many leaders have had rebellious kids – most notably Yahweh. His kids sinned against Him, walked off, left home and then their kids murdered one another. God was not a bad parent. Love goes a long way in growing our families.  This is meant to be a  standard, not a club.

     The litmus test for children is that they are believers – faithful, trustworthy, reliable and disciplined. The litmus test for adults is that they are holy, fond of guests, hospitable, generous with their lives and homes. To the pure all things are pure. When we cling to Jesus and make Him our focus, the other things disappear. Daniel was trained in the most ungodly atmosphere, yet God used that training. If purity and holiness is our aim, many of the  disagreements and divisions will fade away. We should be asking how close can I get to God? 

Chapter TWO
     This next section calls the men to be temperate, worthy of respect, etc. It is a good list. It does not say, however, they are to stay home while doing this list and not work. Paul tells Titus to also teach the women to be reverent, holy and “oikourgos” which means to be a guard and keeper of the home. Note it does not say great decorator, fashion icon or cook. Its first goal is that the women would be guards (physical, spiritual, emotional) in their homes, managers of the household, (Prov.31-buyers of fields). That sounds more like a prayer warrior and CEO than a June Cleaver. Maybe judge Deborah and teacher Priscilla are the aim vs. a type of Martha Stewart? It seems to me the emphasis is that we follow the Spirit and ask God to work HIS will in us rather than the culture around us?

     We have been teaching our teens that “the way you do anything is the way you do everything”.

Terry Savelle recently said in a  podcast regarding military training, “If you’re sloppy about making your bed you will be sloppy about loading your rifle.” She went on to talk about having a standard of excellence in our homes and how that will impact our work outside our home. Good stuff.
     Paul goes on to encourage those under someone’s authority to not Antilego (Greek for being sassy or talking back). It means to contradict, oppose, decline to obey, dispute, or declare invalid. Yikes! We can become more fond of our opinions than supporting the leaders. God calls us to be reliable and faithful. Proverbs 25:19 says, “”Like a broken tooth or a lame foot is reliance on the unfaithful in a time of trouble.” Whether we are in our homes, churches, or jobs, it is important that we are reliable, ready and prepared.

11 For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to ALL people. 12 It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, 13 while we wait for the blessed hope—the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, 14 who gave Himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for Himself a people that are His very own, eager to do what is good. 15 These, then, are the things you should teach. Encourage and rebuke with all authority. ….Let  no one despise you.

While we wait… what does our life look like? I have been impressed with our youngest son this last month. He has “caught” the passion of outreach and expresses excitement for serving God. Paul tells Titus to be eager (zealous) to do good – not to earn salvation or a bucky beaver badge, but to bless God, who is purifying for Himself a people that are His, HIS very own.

Chapter THREE
     Paul continues reminding  Titus what they are to be and what they used to be. He emphasizes that we are saved by mercy and justified by grace. This is a trustworthy saying. And “I want you to stress these things, so that those who have trusted in God may be careful to devote themselves to doing what is good. These things are excellent and profitable for everyone.”  -and–14 Our people must learn to devote themselves to doing what is good, in order to provide for urgent needs and not live unproductive lives.

     Devote means to protect, guard, give attention to and set over other things – to prioritize. Avoiding man made rules and arguments will increase your time for doing good. Walk forward and past the divisive, looking only to the eyes of the father. We must place our Lord first,  not doing good things but God’s things. We are to contribute encouragement, instruction, and comfort. That is the definition of a productive and fruitful life.

     We recently planted blueberry bushes in the yard. We are waiting and expecting fruit. These bushes need full sun. They need other plants to help them cross pollinate. One must prepare the soil for good root development. Being ready for a harvest takes planting and watering. If you wait to prepare until you see fruit, it will be too late. Sharpen the sickle, plant the tree, get ready. It will keep you out of nonsense and increase your passion as you connect to Gods will for your life. God is waiting for us to be productive, fruitful, devoted people.

     My husband Joseph pointed out that it took 96 hours to get their submarine ready to “get way” when he was in the Navy. It took a full crew of sailors who knew their responsibilities and had shown up to do them. There wasn’t time to compare jobs or question every decision.  Each individual needed to be “ship shape.” They were trained to prepare with excellence, early, ahead of time…

     May I suggest that we become preppers –  not just for emergencies and natural disasters, but for God’s heart and will. Stockpiling grace, building up love and mercy, blessing one another. Our friend Thom recently pointed out that Jesus was a prepper, “I go to prepare for YOU a place (John 14)”. Lets prepare and get ready for what God has for us today and also for THAT day which could be …… today.

Getting ready with you, Renae Roche 2022

We Know He’s coming Back – Jordan Feliz




February Blog – 2nd Timothy

I was chatting with a new believer the other day about how intricate the Bible is yet simple enough for a child to understand. I love digging deep in study because it shows us the heart of God. This book is no exception. It is one of Pauls’ most intense and most likely his last letter.

The background  is a struggling new church system that needs updates from Paul, but he is in prison for preaching the gospel. His young apprentice Timothy has received this letter from Paul telling him how to minister and correct this crowd. Timothy’s parents were immigrants – a mixed couple. One was Greek and the other Jewish. Let us think about this for a minute. Old Testament, New Testament, big differences and challenges– yet Timothy has grown up thinking these obstacles were normal. God certainly had a plan and purpose for his family.

We know from the text that Timothy’s grandmother Lois and mother Eunice had impacted his life for Christ. Paul also mentions Priscilla and Aquila as teachers in Paul’s life. The legacy left for Timothy is huge. We all expect this superhero kid to do great things, but Paul mentions that he is timid, sickly and intimidated. His voice is more a meow than a roar. You wouldn’t see him on TBN or Daystar. He was just –Human, like us. The one cheering him on in ministry the most is —in prison. How would you like to introduce  a mentor with those credentials? “Uhm, he’s a felon and currently locked up but you would really like him. Paul is a previous tyrant and persecutor of Christians but now he is the senior leader.”

Chapter One

We are exhorted in this chapter to “stir up the gift of God.” In the age of Covid many are not keen on laying hands on anyone for any reason, yet this is  God’s plan. “Stir up” means to keep in full flame, rekindle and  bring alive. It speaks to preparation, adding and paying attention to the temperature and height of a fire. We intentionally do this through prayer, worship, fellowship, etc. Dead, wet, cold fires can not warm anyone. Stir up the gift, fan the flame, bring on the kindling!

Chapter Two

Paul keeps exhorting Timothy to keep on keeping on – stay the course, continue. He is calling Timothy to more than polite sermons and shepherding the sheep. He is calling Timothy to engage, to FIGHT. He then spells out exactly what is at stake and gives Timothy a refresher course in how to war for the church of the living God. He tells him he needs to be like these three occupations that war for the

  1. Soldier – one who endures hardship, not entangled and  is living to please the one who enlisted him (Jesus). Distractions ruin soldiers. My husband Joe, a  previous Navy sailor says the Navy would tell their crew “ A soldier must be ready and put his devotion to the country above everything else. “If we wanted you to have a wife, we would have assigned one in your seabag,” A soldier is focused with one goal. As Christians we need to know who enlisted us and for what purpose. Do we have the mindset of a soldier or are we distracted and entangled by worldliness, sin, and cares?
  2. Athlete – One who competes for a crown (a victory) and follow the rules. Athletes train and then train some more. How much discipline will we endure to be who we are supposed to be? Do we practice our part, do we prepare ways to help others? I watched the chief’s game last weekend and Harrison Buttker was filmed stretching his leg and kicking.- over and over.  He was not looking at the crowds, the cynics, or the chaos around him. Winning and doing his part was his ONLY aim. They were given one shot to get the time to turn the game around and with 13 seconds on the clock – they did. This athlete did not just decide to practice in that moment. He had repeated that kick multiple times over multiple months so when his moment came – he was ready. Trained like an athlete. What is your moment? What is coming that you need to be trained, and disciplined to accomplish? When it comes– it is to late to get ready, by faith we get ready in advance. That is called preparation. Timothy, my son, train like an athlete. Muhammad Ali used to say, I am the greatest. I’m so mean I make medicine sick. I hated every minute of training, but I said, Don’t’ quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.”
  3. Farmer – Hard working and first a  receiver of the fruit. A farmer doesn’t pull up the turnips nightly in hopes of seeing something produced. He faithfully plants, waters, cultivates, and brings in the harvest. I love where Paul calls Timothy to do the Work of an evangelist. Not all are called to be an evangelist, but we are all called to share our testimonies and testify to the hope within us.  The farmer eats the fruit FIRST so he can adjust the soil, the water and note the sweetness or bitterness of his harvest. He is first a partaker, a follower, someone who has received firsthand and knows the benefit of the crop. He is invested in the cycle, the work, the harvest. Work the soil Timothy, water it and fight for something to grow. WHY? Because the world is hungry,….. and they are counting on what  you produce! 


What does God do with the fruit?   This was my question all month.

How do we fight for a victory, for the win, for the haul  of a  harvest? We know now. It’s in this chapter. We keep focused, enduring suffering, we train and then train some more, we plant  in spite of weather, hardships or cynics and …..we wait longingly and lovingly. This is war! It is time to go for the GOLD.

I’m originally from North Dakota and I remember our school year starting later in the fall so the guys (and gals) could help their dads bring in the wheat and harvest. Their  arms would be scratched up and their eyes red. They were tired and  had sore muscles but it was a priority to bring the crop in. It cost them something. No one rests until that harvest comes in. What is produced – jams, breads, pies, and much more.  Hard- working farming is a process and what keeps the community jworking together and focused. 


Chapter Three – Two lover comparison

Paul’s wish is that all would be lovers of God. He points out to Timothy the love that will dominate end times – people will be lovers of themselves. We are reminded in this chapter that ALL who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus WILL (not might) suffer persecution. If you are not slandered or labeled, you may not be following Jesus full tilt. You may be mentallly assenting to His Title but it is only when you actively follow that things heat up. To enter into Christ’s suffering means we step out for Him and there’s a cost to that. Paul made that statement while sitting in jail. Shackled in body – but free in spirit. Many times, God had protected and delivered him. Many times, he did not deserve it. In this final letter one would expect a miraculous deliverance. Instead the Deliverer shows up and the greater miracle is the absence of fear and PRESENCE of One greater than a lion. Definitely a game changer.

Timothy recognized that Paul was persecuted because Paul was full of the Spirit of power, love, and a sound mind. His identity came from God – not his accusers or prison guards.

Fear melts when there’s  a Fire within.   Fire melts fear. More Fire, more Fire Lord.

Paul tells Timothy his source of restoration – all scripture, “that the man of God may be complete thoroughly equipped for every good work.” I know it’s the month of love and Valentines but seriously what completed Paul? It was not a sweetheart , spouse or even the taste of freedom on the outside. Paul was complete In Christ Jesus and equipped for every good work from being in Christ and His word. Married or single today – what completes you?

We recently grieved for some friends who  lost a relative. She was a mom, grandma, and great grandma. She slipped off into eternity, her race was finished, she had fought the good fight.

I only knew her thru their lives. It was impressive how much she had impacted her family and church and community. Her trophies are living  believers who carry  on her message and ministry. She fulfilled her purpose and when her life work was tallied –it caused others to praise Him. In the moment we do not realize history is being made, hell is being drained, lives are being impacted but over the course of time those lives that sacrificed, made a difference and fought their fight will never be forgotten. Timothy struggled to support Paul and risked much being his friend, not knowing that Paul’s suffering would produce much of the New Testament and forever impact the church. Important for Timothy to be mentored? Absolutely. Important to pass on leadership and godly heritage? Absolutely. Important to fight for those who come after us in spite of persecution – without a doubt.


Weary warrior, you have been given more than a call or message. You have been given the Spirit of power, love, and a sound mind. You have been exhorted to keep the flame burning brightly and to be a lover of God in a world that loves only themselves. You have been challenged to fight with the endurance of a solider, the discipline of an athlete and the hard work of a farmer. However, it is the last two verses of this letter that I implore you to memorize – you will need it in the days ahead:


“At first no one stood with me, but all forsook me. May it not be charged against them. But the LORD STOOD WITH ME and strengthened me so that the message might be preached FULLY through me and that ALL the Gentiles might hear. Oh –and I was delivered from the mouth of the lion. (Also see Psalm 31 and John 16:32). I guess lions are insignificant  if one has been in the presence of someone bigger and greater.  No need to worry about the Lion, when the Master Lion Tamer is in the house.  Oh the stories Paul must have shared with young, timid Timothy! 


The One who enlisted you, the One who called you –is the SAME  One that will keep, preserve, and establish you. HE STANDS WITH YOU today and every day after. You matter, your work matters and the people coming after you — need for YOU to stand and to FIGHT.


Loving and fighting with you, Renae Roche 2022



                               2021 “I will do xyz”                                              2022   “Thy will be done”

1 Timothy 

It is the first of 2022 and as usual, people from all corners of life are telling us to make goals, lose weight, exercise, and many other things – most of which no one wants to do any month of the year. I think two of the most thrilling (and possibly convicting) types of people are those with a new relationship with Christ and those who have just lost more than ten pounds. Right? We are so happy for them but secretly we  weigh the cost of that. Rather than do what they did, we choose apathy and just wish. We choose the couch; we choose being lukewarm– even though being close with God — is just a prayer away — we resist what is good for us.

This year starts with our study of 1 Timothy  which has alot  to offer  in 2022. I’ll cover a few highlights, but a deep dig into this wonderful book is well worth one’s time. My husband and I are teaching it now in Sunday School and it has stirred our love for the word and disipleship. This is Paul’s manual for Leadership to his apprentice Timothy. It is a really good  training guide. Purity,  faith and love are key words.

As a woman in ministry, I am aware that this  book has been difficult for many.  Some have, in error,  used it to “put women in their place” and at times it has been painful. I wish I had understood it more in years past. The letter is written to  Timothy, whose mother (Eunice) and grandmother (Lois)  had taught him in the faith. It was written by an apostle who had been taught by an excellent woman teacher— Priscilla. Paul in chapter two, addresses that a woman must be discipled (Greek manthano) without being disturbed. Previous women that were discipled, tested and approved would include Deborah, Huldah, Lydia, Junia, Priscilla, Phoebe and more. I am going to leave that alone other than to say that there is much MORE to this book than that subject. We can only grow if we ask God to teach us His will, rather than clinging to our paradigms. The Holy Spirit is wanting ALL to use their gifts and talents- in faith and love. Paul addresses strange teachings and arguments, divisions, and carefully addresses temptations in these groups of leader categories. The “extra-biblical” issues are what is contrary to Biblical teaching – not a discounting of studying the Old Testament or promoting women. If we do what God wants us to do there will be little time for power mongering or vain arguments.  The appeal for a pure conscience and life of faith and love is the foundation for Paul’s instructions. Our litmus test for leadership in the Western world is different from Paul’s standards. We need to prepare and equip people to lead, but first we must be taught. Taught in faith and love and purity.  I love Paul’s further clarification to avoid prejudice and partiality in chapter 5:17-18 (a clear and much needed word for today). It is God’s heart. Note the word “likewise” – women as leaders are to have the same standards. The goal – training leaders in the church, in spite of cultural chaos for Gods’ glory.

Now, let us move on to a  much more important issue back in chapter one. I addressed two first because that is the hot topic many race through this book to read, often missing the larger picture of love and faith. We pull out verses before getting to the root of the message which changes the message. 1 Timothy must be read as a whole and not with our own constructs and scaffolding of bias. The ONE mediator we can turn to is not the newest commentary but CHRIST Jesus. 

Chapter One  – 
vs.8  We know that the law is good —if one uses it properly. Paul was not a legalist, he wanted people to enjoy the blessings of being in relationship with God. “The law is not for the righteous” Paul writes, but to train and set up guardrails (mainly for the sinful). They were not dealing with scholars in Ephesus, but lost, multi-god systems that continued to impact the church. Then Paul shares with us the main goal, the purpose (resolution if you will) of Jesus:

v.15 “…Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst. “

Jesus had a priority, a mission, a cause. His vision board was not a corkboard but the cross. His goal was salvation for the lost. His purpose was the Fathers will, not living his best life in the here and now. He left us a visual reminder of this purpose in communion so we would remember His work and what is important to Him. It speaks to wholeness, unity, love, and faith- Jesus’ sacrifice for all.

Scholars tell us that when we study a passage it has to mean today what it meant to the original audience. Times change but God does not. My question and focal point for 2022 is this, “If saving people was Jesus’ main purpose, what is the purpose of the modern-day church?” It does not say great media, worship, storytelling, resume building, leadership training, prayer meetings or any other host of excellent and necessary things we focus on . The main thing was to save sinners. We have heard that many times over the years, so much so that it becomes like cotton in our ears.

The word save is the Greek word “sozo.” It does not  mean an altar call or sinners prayer. It means to bring wellness, wholeness, and salvation. Not just for eternity but in the present – peace and lack of stress, rest, healing, and total person revival. The Christian journey to eternity is a process and not just a main event. Jesus wants to impact every part of ones’ life. That being said, it has to start somewhere.

These other things are important, but they are ancillary to the mission of Jesus. If we are following Him, where is He going? Daily, monthly, yearly, over a lifetime? Do we say those words as a cliché, or do we genuinely intend to apply them in our lives? How amazing that the God of the universe wants our lives to be impacted, healed, changed by the Fathers love and the Sons’ sacrifice.  That is good news.

Knowing that, hearing that, being led in that= requires relationship and time in His presence.

I am tempted to write about Paul’s exhortation to secure a peaceful, good life – by praying FIRST for leaders and those in authority. FIRST, priority, important. I would like to expound on that and the great costs for  servants whether they are public servants or  in ministry. It is a missing exhortation in our day- and our leaders are feelings its absence. But today,  I want to lay down my own agenda and ideas to press in, to FOLLOW Christ.

I will shorten this  blog entry, because I want this message to ring loud and clear for the next twelve months in my spiritual ears and yours :

Christ’s goal, resolution was to SAVE (make whole, healed, rescued) sinners.   His transformation just begins at salvation. This is the main thing that must remain the main thing. His history, His purpose, His end game. 

May our day-planners, work, family, church, and national calendars ALIGN with our CHIEF leaders’ primary goal — To save sinners (encourage wholeness, healing, rescue, transformation). That was His joy and heart, inside and outside the four walls of the church.

Following with you,


Thank you to our new and regular visitors last year and the overwhelming response already this year! we appreciate you.  

Due to some spam issues, we cannot  read or post comments at this time but we are working on that.  Please keep us in prayer as we navigate funding and social media concerns. 

                             2nd Thessalonians

What a prophetic book! We loved it, especially in this season.  Let’s look at this book in three areas:

  1. Help!

Remember the Charlie Brown specials? Lucy loved setting up Charlie, then grabbing the football away right when he hoped to kick it. We laughed; Charlie groaned. We identified with Woodstock and his many trials and felt solidarity with the tough life of a beagle named Snoopy. Some suffering is just part of life, right?

This past year suffering was at an all-time high. We saw crime rise and many homes where anger escalated into violence. We saw bullies mercilessly harm kids at school. The nightly news reported people rioting and harming others- sometimes just because of their skin color or political affiliations. People were persecuted for their faith at work and pastors endured hate in their communities… the pain varied in intensity but suffering abounded. The Bible addresses these issues.

Paul in his letter to the Thessalonians was aware of their trials. In spite of them,  Paul says their faith was growing and the love of all was abounding – even towards one another. That is a healthy church! Perhaps suffering comes to remind us that we are not alone – we are in this together. Martyrdom has a way of lessening vanity and all the “isms” – racism, sexism, elitism, territorialism. Hard times often bring solidarity that comes no other way. Paul reminds the Thessalonians that God will repay those who were troubling them. Good grief!

We often hear of the Lord of love, but He is also an Avenger. He stands up for His own. God does not let pain go on forever. I love Toby Mac’s lyric in Help is on the way – “He’s rolling up His sleeves again.” Paul tells them that they will REST– when Jesus is revealed with His mighty angels. Better days are ahead – in eternity.  This trial is not your destination, it is only a small detour. Paul finishes that chapter letting them know that he would be praying for them always. It  is a HUGE thing to have pastors who not only pray– but pray for you. Prayer works and is critical in these days. If you have a praying pastor, you are doubly blessed.

Today, as we go through our various trials, we, like the Thessalonians can be encouraged that one-day REST from  persecution will come and the Deliverer will appear to set things right. Not right according to our standards or opinions but according to God’s kingdom. Even so, come quickly, Jesus. May I encourage you to pray for your leaders, (spiritual and national) and if you have not recently  –let them know how much their prayers are needed and appreciated! Encourage one another – HELP IS ON THE WAY!

Watch:   HELP is on the way (maybe midnight)
by Toby Mac


  1. Hope!

While CNN, NBC  and other news outlets give us reason to be shaken and afraid, the words from Paul tells us in  Thess. 2:1 to NOT be shaken in mind or troubled whether by spirit or by word or by letter. Shaken means agitated,  disturbed,  insecure or cast down. Do not BE that! You may feel it, think it, identify with that –but do NOT allow it! The day of the Lord has  not come and there is still HOPE. He is coming, He is coming soon! In verse 8 Paul says, “And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord WILL consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming.  Gods fight is a Fixed fight – we know the outcome. Just by His breath, He will conquer. That puts things in perspective, doesn’t it? Believers often talk about warfare or the battle between good and evil. “Wwhoosh” by His breath God alone can set things aright. No army, no weapons, no bullets – by HIS breath! The Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth.

When we forget HIS power, we forget our outcome. When we forget HIS promises, we forget our victory. Lift up your heads, it is TIME to remember why we have hope.

When we realize WHO we are serving we will stand firm, not easily shaken. When we realize He is coming back to take us HOME, we will increase our confidence. Do not be shaken, Gods not only got this but is rolling up His sleeves as we read this. (I recommend every time you brush your teeth, or use mouthwash –remind yourself of Gods GREAT, awesome power!  Whatever it takes for you to remember – remember and then remember again – HOPE is on the way. Hope has a name, and it is Jesus.

In the  middle of this letter Paul prays a blessing: 

“Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and our God and Father, who  has loved you and given us everlasting consolation and good hope by grace, comfort your hearts and establish you in EVERY good word and work.”

Throughout Thessalonians, we hear of prayer, faith, hope and working for God. Could those things be the very things that kept the Thessalonians growing and abounding? In spite of persecution, trial, and suffering? It is a pretty good recipe for overcoming. We need to know our pain has an end. We need to know our Deliverer is coming. We need to remind others that that is true.  My Deliverer is Coming. Rich Mullins


    In this holiday season, lift up your heads and comfort  one another with these words.  HOPE is near! God promised He would send Messiah. He did. People forgot– and a fragile baby slipped in their common, dusty midst and fulfilled what ancient peoples longed to see. In the darkness, a light appeared. Herod slaughtered countless children to eradicate every trace of Him, yet a collection of  Magi slipped in and worshipped the true king. God promised He would send His son. He did. In the darkness, a light appeared. In our darkness, while we watch, while we wait… we must lift our eyes above the tinsel and garland and shift them to that darkened sky outside. God is about to fulfill His promise to end All suffering and send the Redeemer. He will. In this darkness, very soon a light will…..


      III.  Peace

Prayer is a huge part of Paul’s ministry in the Thessalonian church. At the end of this letter, he will pronounce the benediction: “Now may the LORD of peace Himself give you peace always in every way. The Lord be with you all.”

Peace (Greek Eirene) means having harmony  in relationships, rest in the nation, quietness in churches, reconciliation between God and man, wholeness, full shalom – nothing missing, nothing broken. Peace for Paul meant the Gospel would have free course in their ministry – not hindered by the enemy or immoral, divisive people. Prayer oils the levers. Prayer is needed to recognize and be delivered from evil of all kinds. Prayer loosens sins tight grip. Prayer is needed to follow examples like Paul’s, while stepping aside from those against the Lord. It directs our focus. Prayer strengthens us to keep going even when we are spiritless, exhausted, lacking courage, weak and faint-hearted (the very definition of weary).

We have started listening to the Charlie Brown Christmas soundtrack which makes my heart happy. It reminds me of times past and  celebrates what we love now. When I work or pray, I listen to worship and praise songs – the soundtrack  of one waiting for that trumpet call. It keeps me focused on what is important. What soundtrack is playing in your heart this season? Does it direct you to God and those who are HIS or away from God’s peace and plan? Paul tells us to follow the example of those who are righteous. Thessalonians calls us to pray for those we stand with – those suffering, those waiting for His appearing. Solidarity. The star on the Christmas tree is fun – but it will not eradicate the worlds darkness. Are we waiting like those who know  the Messiah?

The Lord is faithful who will establish and guard (keep, preserve) you from the evil one.

It is what God does – Full time. Paul’s prayer is that the Lord will direct the Thessalonians and one day our hearts into the love of God and into the patience of Christ. If you are looking for a goal, a purpose, a focus in the midst of trial, it is this – ask God to direct (guide, make straight) your heart into the love of God and into the patience of Christ (vs5). Peace will be the result and gift.

Maybe instead of meditating on the next variant or vaccine we meditate on the victory of a God who loves, adopts, and chooses us.  Maybe instead of meditating on the next protest or power struggle we meditate on the patience of Christ who  reigns triumphant? He patiently waits for you and me to recognize His offer of salvation, His payment of our debt and return.

God is our help, our hope and soon coming King. If you want Him to be that for you then pray:

Lord I have sinned against You, and I repent. I believe You are the One who died to pay for my sins  and the only solution for my brokenness. Come into my heart and make me born from above – I want to obey you and I give you, my life. I want to spend eternity in Heaven with you. Use my life for Your glory from this moment forward. I love you. Amen.

That is the gift He wants – our hearts. You can go to the Rest for you tab on this website for more information on living life as a Christian.

I pray you have a wonderful holiday. I pray you feel comforted by these words. Help, hope, peace, and Jesus – are all on the way!

Merry Christmas to you and yours,  Renae Roche 2021

O come, O come Emmanuel!