Latest Happenings and Life Coaching
PREPARE Meetings
We have Strength quest openings. It includes a Strength assessment, a stress management assessment, a personalized plan and two one hour consultations for $150. Knowing yourself and how to reduce anxiety is key to everything else you do.
Now boarding….
“Stop- Make Time for 15 minutes with the King”
This is a guide on how to begin a devotional life. It includes evening and morning suggestions
as well as scripture to help you as you learn to communicate with God. It can be used by individuals or families.
The Price is $5.00 for a laminated guide
Conferences for 2025:
Rest – Pausing the busy and hearing God for the daily
White unto Harvest Conference – Going where God sends
Family Shabbat – Spiritual Disciplines for Covenant Meals
CALL today to schedule an appointment
If you want a group zoom to cover an area – goal setting, habits, life directives, etc. email us today with number of participants and times available. Thank you.
Shipping and handling charge will be based on your location
- Refunds and returns subject to owner approval
- No information on this site or in any consultation is meant as medical advice. All customers should seek medical advice for anything pertaining to health/ wellness.
Congratulations to Renae Roche
AACC, Certified Life Coach and Franklin Covey Trainer
Congratulations to Joseph Roche
Joe is now a certified Strength Quest trainer and coach through The Gallup company.
He is available for home and business consultation.
Knowing your strengths
will help you know where you will succeed
knowing your weaknesses
will help you know where you need to get support.
Discover your unique design – call today!
Our Newest book “Homeplate Advantage is now listed in Amazon, written in laypersons terms, this book discusses the theology of rest, rest robbers and how to bring rest to your family and church. It also describes the history of sabbath and its great importance in the area of missions and fruit. The theology of rest will change every aspect of your life and show you how to delight in the presence of God.
AMAZON Print books are $14.99 (Black and White) and the Kindle version (color) is $9.99
or you can contact Derek Press or
Pathway Press to order today at 423-476-4512
Zoom Bible Study Group Meetings NOW available – call today!
What is Biblical Rest?
In an age of cheap, sloshy grace and rigid legalism how does an individual, family or church navigate through the landmine of biblical rest? Is it punishing oneself by being silent for a day? Is it going to church and crowding out God and His voice? Is it celebrating ancient customs in minor keys? Is it wrong to mow one’s lawn on the Sabbath? Knowing GOD and His ways bring delight and peace. This translates into lives centered in Gods confidence and rest.
New study guide Coming Soon
Would you like a small group study guide for this book? Generating discussion enables participants to have the “aha” moment. Processing in ones own words deepens learning. Dig deeper into scripture regarding rest by dialoguing with others on this worthwhile subject. Pre-order your copy today. $10.00
REST For Families
we value diversity, fresh input and utilizing ones strengths.
If your group, family or church would like to have a REST conference…. Contact us today!