“They will proclaim my glory among the nations.”  Isaiah 66:19



In the past few months we have been challenged and blessed to be a part of several missions conferences for four different nations. Each of these were represented by different denominations in different cities. As the calendar got filled and our finances got tighter I worried what our kids would “see” as we engaged in the various events. 

The first one we attended had a focus of doing outreach projects for the national church in a country overseas. The local church  in America was sending laborers and money, equipping their members to reach out.  We, as a family group are going to partner with the family that lives there. The fellowship was so amazing and the food could have been served at Jack Stack it was so wonderful. This event made me want to go with the team and prompted me to pray and give. I felt God’s spirit unifying and calling the people. I saw such a collaborative heart.

The church members overseas will get some rest as others come and help them labor.

The second one focused on two different countries overseas helping them reach their budget and build the local church. These countries just happened to be where my husband and my ancestors were from which surprised us both. Testimonies were shared about securing buildings and lives being touched. They did a fundraiser (auction) and you could sense the giving heart of the congregation and total commitment to raise funds even at great sacrifice. The food was represented by several different cultures and was quite the smorgasbord. The crab rangoons were exceptional! This one also touched my heart as I saw my kids get stirred in their faith to serve God and their hearts touched as other kids donated items to sell. In the midst of that event I met someone from Eastern Europe which brought back memories of my trip there. Miles away from home he was part of a group blessing other nations.  I expanded my prayer list and was reminded of God’s provision for us here in the states. We savored ice cream later that night after hearing many can not purchase it in their cities. We had taken such a small thing for granted.  Those who prayed and those who gave were all blessed and the entire crowd got to celebrate the results.

The pastors will get some rest as they can focus on the work of the ministry instead of raising funds or getting second jobs.

The last one was focused on one nation empowering the people, giving them food, micro-loans and helping them build their own houses. The food served was specific to that nation and there were learning stations for each aspect of their culture. You could also buy coffee, jewelry or books. After seeing videos of lean -to shelters, I was thankful for our home and realized it was a blessing – plumbing, heating and running water included. My tattered couch was no longer an eyesore but an extravagance.  This group has dug their heels deep into one community and literally caused transformation throughout the nation. It was so well run and professional. “Seamless leadership” was the prevailing thought after the event and each section glorified God, with little emphasis on the people from the USA doing the work. All of the focus was on the smiles of the people and their needs. Little was said of those giving or going. Much was said about doing the work (clothing, feeding, housing) in Jesus name and example.

The families will receive rest as they eat, sleep and live in homes that now have strong walls and concrete instead of mud floors.

We pray for a precious couple in Africa, unable to email or let us know their needs. They have no conference here but we call out their names and trust God to supply, comfort and anoint. We trust that in the absence of American workers, God will send heavenly and earthly ambassadors to do His bidding.

I wanted to blog about these events because it struck me, why in the world would busy, engaged people work so hard to bring rest to other people they have never met before? Why would they take their hard earned money and give it away so strangers could get a little peace? Believers, pastors, families are all getting blessed, touched and encouraged. Those giving have joy on their faces, contentment in their hearts and strain on their pocketbooks. The people stateside – were connected, humming in harmony as they went about their work. No one debated the flag, politics, immigrants. No one grabbed for the last chicken leg or fought for attention. They gathered, they gave, they prepared to go.

Our friends from different denominations stretched our hearts. They are beautiful people – inside and out and invited us to see the world through their lenses and we were touched. Our friends within our denomination rallied our faith, calling us to something greater than ourselves. Whether it be serving lemonade, filling out feedback surveys, bringing a testimony or a song, we were part of something we will not soon forget. We connected in our small little way with another nation in a way that will become big. That’s sacred, holy. I wonder if it gives God rest?

We gather, we give, we go. Blessing others blesses us. None of these conferences could have happened without a large group of people working together towards a common goal. That’s noteworthy, unity working, collaboration sharing. There was no red carpet, no goodie bag (although my husband scored some cheese at one event), no awards or trophy. NBC, CBS nor FOX news covered it. President Trump nor Obama tweeted about it. No women marched for or against it. Hillary Clinton made no cameo appearance. Yet, somehow it worked and spread like joyous leaven through the crowd. giving all a lift.

My heart was filled, my families hearts were filled, just a little bit more.

I wonder if the people overseas will lay in their beds tonight and know someone is thinking about them. I wonder if they know help is on its way. I wonder if they will realize their plight brought joy as people gathered to alleviate their stress. I wonder if they know that people thousands of miles away dearly love them and want them to be supported and blessed. Is there some little boy, some little girl praying “God please see our need.” Is there some daddy, some mama, trusting that He will?

Yes, the world continues to spin but the Body of Christ in all her glory… remains very beautiful, very unique. As I told my kids this week “we do not go to Church, we ARE the church.”


Renae Roche  2018



Thank God it is Friday! 

I raced around the house today cleaning and picking up hoping to spend more time with the family and less time being “mama super freak house cleaner” this weekend. Good goal but oh so never reachable. Lol. I sat down to take a break and have breakfast and turned on a female talk show. Before they sat down they all danced behind their chairs. It seemed kind of weird and plastic to me when I saw it a couple weeks ago but today I kind of liked it. When I sit down at the table tonight I think I’ll try it. Woo-hoo. Oh yea, mamas in the house!  I’ll shake my booty; give a shout out to God with a little hallelujah or something. Or when I go to church, seriously laugh out loud, I’ll say woo-hoo and twirl around before I sit down in the chair.  Why is it normal for talk show hosts to celebrate and get their praise on but not regular folk?  I will not follow my praise jig with a bourbon or special drink as these ladies did but I might just get myself some tart cherry juice and celebrate the decrease of inflammation in my veins. Yes! Down with inflammation, up with healthy cholesterol.

So, not what you would expect from a theological blog on Rest but the wind down for the weekend has begun. To the pure all things are pure; to the free all things can be free.

On that momentary break in my day a commercial came on. It seemed so innocent and just a little commercial. They expounded on the ways my dog loves me and all the cute little things he does that make my life worth living. (I don’t have a dog). It was fun and fuzzy until they asked, “So what are you doing for him?” hmmm? I was cornered and stuck and sat there with millions of other viewers feeling woefully not ready to confess – nothing, he’s a dog. oh the shame that bowed our heads.  I kept watching only to hear that if you really appreciated and respected ALL that this wonderful better than a friend, furry little critter does for you then you would reciprocate that love. I felt so condemned. I’m not a bad dog owner. I’m not even a dog owner. This is crummy. Then the catch came – if you truly love your faithful friend you will buy him this certain brand of puppy chow.

They asked: “ How do you love him back? ”

It was effective; I felt the hook and momentarily felt a twinge of guilt even though I don’t even OWN A DOG!  Man, what’s wrong with these people not loving their dogs back? Sounds like a serious neglect and lack of compassion. It was a nice break  to be mad at these dog owners rather than politicians.

The spiritual marketplace hawkers do similar things. You want to really love God and thank Him for all He’s done?  Then you need to buy Jesus a Christmas  box or present to show Him your love is real – buy now! You need to worship in this posture, style or sanctuary  – come now! You must or need to support this ministry or buy this gold brick to give or pay back God’s love – call now. You need to get this information, CD, book, shirt , class, conference or app if you really want to show God and others that you too are fully engaged, loving, etc. Love now. AAAGH!  We sit feeling  condemned and wondering who to listen to. If Jesus paid my debt why are all the spiritual people trying to sign me up for obligatory loans and paybacks? What’s the difference between offering up our praise and buying off God? It can feel like a spiritual shake down and not grace quickly.  What’s love and what’s debt?

Two Things:

  1. We love because He first loved us. For God so loved the world that He gave (freely without thought of return) His son. No He doesn’t ask for anything in return but specifically that we follow His son. God wants our love and devotion and wants us to love our neighbor. Showing mercy delights Him which speaks to action –based on His voice and leading, not marketers and their goods. If it requires more than simple faith, we should pause. The just live by faith. So what does God require or possibly like? Loving Him. Another verse Gal. 5:14 tells us that we fulfill the law by loving our neighbor but that’s impossible to do by sitting inside your house and not reaching out. He never puts in red letters – go to church, run yourself ragged, donate to every cause and sing hymns in minor keys. Loving your neighbor takes relationship with God to know how, when and where. It also takes receiving ministry from them.  Do we pray for them as much as we pray for ourselves and our families? Living relationship. What good things prevent us from doing what God prefers we do for Him?  



2. It’s a good idea to love God back. Not like the puppy story above where it is out of obligation or one biscuit equals three licks and a handshake. One way we show God and the angelic realm that we still love Him is by setting aside time to spend with Him (Sunday church, Sabbath Rest, Family communion – pick your passion) . It’s helpful to prepare now what you will do this weekend to love on God. He stands and waits….  He longs for His kids to come home…. He beckons you to the table… He calls you to hear… He sings over you songs of love. Our worship is indicative of how we want to love Him back and part of being thankful for all He’s done for us.

Hubby has been very busy lately. Not crazy busy as a workaholic but fruitful, focused and purposeful asking God where he fits in the kingdom busy. We snuck away for a date on Thursday – smile.  At first I said I was too busy and the kids had plans and it was a school night . Then I realized there was nothing I would truly like to do more than be with this guy that captures my heart. He’s the one I promised to love. Seriously, why would I let anything or anybody block that time?  Schedule – back up!  It wasn’t the usual day but it thrilled my heart. It demonstrated to me that he’s still interested in me, that he appreciates me. He didn’t owe me for making supper, cleaning, etc. What a joy!  I so enjoyed the time with him and laughter.   God has preferences, emotions and blessings and will share them with those who inquire of Him and respond to His invitation to draw near. “God I want to love you back, thank you and just be with you this weekend, receive my love.” Relationships that are reciprocal, trusted , honoring and loving are awesome! True for puppies, friends, spouses and I’m thinking today probably God too.  One-sided anything is draining. I want God to know I prefer Him – enough to give Him priority and time.

“If we offer up nothing – that’s just bad puppy chow man.  Giving Him you’re table scraps or leftovers – dude, that’s not even puppy chow that’s just lame.  “

We are not ready for a puppy yet but when we get one I’m definitely going to get that special puppy chow to love my puppy back. I do not want to be a selfish, cold dog owner. That sounds just awful. I also don’t want to be a cold, loveless recipient of God’s love.  I want Him to know how much I love Him so I will spend time in His presence and ask Him to reveal to me how I can bless Him best .

Loving Him back…   

Renae Roche

As always, you can weigh in on these discussions by emailing the contact info on the website. I’d love to hear and share your thoughts!


In a violent culture it is difficult to find good things to watch on television. We introduced our kids to some of the golden “oldies” so they too could enjoy Gilligan, Fonzie and the rest of the people who made our lives interesting when we were kids. One of the shows “The Beverly Hillbillies” we especially like, because they are down to earth folks who are kind hearted. Netflix does not cut out the commercials and one day we noticed one of the boys singing, “Winston tastes good, like a good cigarette should.” So much for bringing back the good old days – they weren’t necessarily good in all aspects!

The discussions  on social media now are no longer about cigarette use as the debate over marijuana has taken over. What was once a felony, smoking weed, is now legalized in some states. Parents in those states are scrambling to teach their kids how to “say no” when adults around them are saying yes. It’s a new drug war and just about the time you think the teens are safe they have a new interest in ingesting laundry detergent pods.  Ew!

My  friends who work in healthcare tell me an even bigger war is  raging -keeping kids hands clean and sanitized. New superbugs have entered hospitals and schools that are super resistant to all antibiotics and causing death from what used to be just a simple cut or even the flu. Hygiene is important and scientists can now tell us exactly how the germs work against our immune system.

So, what are “normal” protections, what is morally wrong when the state says it is legal and what is rigidity and legalism? One man took on the whole debate and got himself killed for it – Jesus. He  isn’t oblivious to our new dilemmas– He created all those bugs, germs and dirt. He would have been familiar with the concept “do not become slaves of anything.” He could see years down the line what drugs and  addictions would do.

I wonder why He went for the spiritual and did not address all the other things?

10 And he called the people to him and said to them, “Hear and understand: 11 it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but

what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a person.” 

12 Then the disciples came and said to him, “Do you know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this saying?” 13 He answered, “Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be rooted up.14 Let them alone; they are blind guides. And if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit.” 15 But Peter said to him, “Explain the parable to us.” 16 And he said, “Are you also still without understanding? 17 Do you not see that whatever goes into the mouth passes into the stomach and is expelled? 18 But what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this defiles a person. 19 For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander. 20 These are what defile a person. But to eat with unwashed hands does not defile (make spiritually unclean) anyone.”

He told the disciples to side- step petty arguments that are intended to trip you up in punishment and judgement – good advice as the Pharisees were not looking to reconcile but to prove themselves righteous and holy. They were gnats in the ointment and Jesus discerned that.

I recently heard a kind brother in the Lord worry that smoking would defile him as a Christian.  He was told that smoking was a barrier between him and God. I grew up around people who smoked so I’ve never had that legalistic filter (pun intended). One of my first pastors smoked during our youth meetings so I just thought it was something adults did. He also cussed some. It demonstrated to me that God was much higher and this guy was not God but would tell us what he knew about him. We had to fin for ourselves to define holy. Looking back it may have been a good thing because there was no super leader / savior complex and we were all just scraggly creatures looking for a kingdom – together. Hmm?

The argument could be made that nicotine imbeds itself in your brain (neurotransmitters) so it does not flush out but remains there craving, screaming for more. Once the person quits though, it does come out so that would be weak to push that as an argument here. My hips will testify that the chocolate doth remain, but that’s another story.  

What lingered in my mind was this – why would someone take a little smoking wrapper and use that as a way to block a brother (or sisters) access to Christ? Jesus clearly said it does not defile someone because it is temporary. A greater ill is using one’s mouth to slander or harm or gossip about someone. That makes one UGLY and those around them ill. Inside.  Drinking  communion grape juice all day won’t flush that out. However,  repentance and communion to signpost it might be part of that process.  The payment Jesus made on the cross is capable of making us clean on the inside. 

In this text, we must insert our own names_____ here because the second we insert someone else’s we are back to being in the defiled bucket. Ouch. No wonder Jesus addressed this as a systemic evil. There’s only one who is righteous  and  it  isn’t the Marlboro man. Only One has paid the price for all to enter in:

 “This was according to the ETERNAL purpose that he has realized in Christ Jesus our Lord, in whom we have boldness and access with confidence through our faith in  HIM,  in HIM.” Eph. 3 Also see Heb. 4:16.

What one abstains from (makeup, movies, cigarettes) does not make one holy/clean. What one achieves (education, good works, church rituals, 24/7 worship) does not make one holy/clean.   If that were the standard then the highest bidder or best ecclesiastical gymnast would get the trophy. Only the blood of Jesus can make one clean. Only (sola) that cross payment on Calvary can “open doors” to God’s heart.  Grape juice doesn’t flush out sin  but it can remind us that spiritually Christ’s blood can make us whiter than snow and pay the penalty for all of our sins – great and small.


Three  of my favorite Christian women were smokers and ultimately it killed them, leaving a big hole in my heart. I will never be a fan of smoking because it took away those I cherished. I get angry every time I even think of the lure on the commercials – they were bait and switch and robbed us of family. However, the greatest love in my life is not distant or repulsed by smoking and He gets to determine the definition of defiled – not me, although honestly sometimes I would really like to. No ritual, tradition, food or anything else defiles someone so much that the way to Jesus is blocked, or even lessened in some way. It just isn’t mercy to rate others sins, it isn’t holy and if I were Jesus , I’d be offended at those who made others feel like they were “defiled” so much that they could not draw near. He beckons them, draws them, and longs for them because He sees something on the inside that we never could and

the Father sees something also – the blood of His Son.

All humans have “issues” and things they need help fixing. Mercy says Jesus will help. Lordship says Jesus is the one who determines how and when. The door is not revolving – it is blood bought and fixed in eternity. For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son that WHOSOEVER believes in Him (Winston user, Vaper, Toker or abstainer) should NOT perish but have everlasting life. He made a way, cleared back the religious and self-righteous and shouts COME! To ALL who are willing. That’s an open invitation based on God’s large heart, not our earthly restrictions.

Today, I’ll sanitize and wash my hands – I don’t want the flu or to spread staph to my family. Today, I will breathe in clean air. Today I will eat my greens. Not because it makes me holy but it’s a good choice. Today I will ask God to cleanse my mouth, my heart and help me kick back any roadblocks I have put in others way that might falsely make anyone think they are blocked from the blood or presence of Christ because of something they’ve ingested or done on the outside. It (the blood) always serves as a reminder to me that I’m not holy because others smoke, toke or vape and I don’t.

He is my only  righteousness.

He’s the cleaner, the detergent, the sanctifier and the ONLY One who declares us holy or defiled by His standard — the cross.

BOLD, access with confidence…. Put out the welcome mat and step aside, an invited one is making his way on in! Just as we are? Yes, not because we smell of nicotine or altar incense but because He’s worthy and holy and clean, we can enter in whether scraggly or sanitized.


2018 Renae Roche  


*Warning disclaimer: The surgeon general has warned that smoking is harmful to one’s health. The Bible has also warned that hindering others from entering in can also  be harmful to one’s eternal health.


All creation, come praise the name of the Lord. Psalm 148:13


One afternoon the boys and I were hanging around the house when we heard a knock on the door. Our neighbors’ son and daughter dropped by to bring us an Orchid root – complete with bloom. We had a nice visit and when everyone was gone I looked at that plant and thought, “what in the world am I going to do with this, I can’t keep violets alive?” I did not know what type of planter to use and just put it out of mind for a few days until I figured out how to care for it. By the third day little plant was in an emergency state and I felt terrible so I gathered the family and we all did triage – one grabbing rocks for drainage, one grabbing water and one emptying out the yucky frozen planter stored in the garage.

Orchids can be fickle but they are well worth the effort.  They require special care. The instructions say the two top things that will kill them are number 1 – not enough light and number 2 – too much light. Alrighty then, that clears everything up! I researched with the family and then located everything we could find while snuggled inside our warm house during a snowstorm. We needed tree bark, a special planter, special fertilizer and soil. We had none of those things and could not get out to get them. “Yes kids, prayer works for everything.” We dug, patted, watered and then asked for some divine intervention. You tube videos on the following days confirmed our fears – indeed we had done basically everything wrong.

It seemed strange to replant this orchid while taking down Christmas decorations. Pine cones scattered my floor, tree remains and glittery pieces of who knows what still littered the floor. The little orchid looked so tiny, fuchsia and unique in comparison.

Why would anyone involve themselves in such a delicate, fragile flower? I’ve seen them in Chinese restaurants and nail salons. I’ve never seen them at a McDonalds. They are feminine and delicate, adding beauty and fragrance to any room. Why bother? I told the three guys in my house that I really liked this flower but really we are probably more “dandelion growers” than anything. We do pretty well with mint and poison ivy but nothing else has really grown around here that we can lay any claim to.

Did you know that orchids do best when they “dry out” and get saturated with water only once a week? Soak, expend. Soak, expend. Hmm. I recognize that from somewhere. They also do not need a planter to thrive but love to grow outside wherever they can extend. Unique. Rare. What a beautiful reminder of God’s grace and call to us to rest and go, rest and go. It brings to mind the song, “I give myself away, so You can use me” by William McDowell.  *

At the same time this was all taking place I was studying the passage, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” Heb. 12.

The part that stuck out to me this week  was, “let us run (with patience/endurance) the race that is
SET before US…

This is not just “get with the program we all have a part to play” language. It specifically means: to run what is placed before you or in front of you. That which has been appointed or destined for your life, what is present and at hand.

 Not what others think you could or should do.

It does not say to run others races in their lane for them. It is not a “one size fits all” pajama pant arrangement but a call to run the path God has specifically ordained and created for you – the track He has laid out for YOU to run on.

Yes! If there is a track, there is a runner. The word “set” is the Greek word prokeimai which is a passive deponent. It means we don’t forge out our plan but …


we get on the moving walkway of His will – much easier.


He acts, we passively ride on His plan. Good set up.  You are necessary and needed and God has specifically set that path in front of us so we can get to where He wants and needs us to go. Specific, unique, special. We can’t make others run on our track, or insist they follow our time, distance or speed. We line ourselves up with the Kingdom pathway.

A few days passed… and a little  bloom was lifted above the green leaves, perky and strong. We named her Gloria (our persevering little orchid) and in George Washington Carver fashion we greet her every morning and thank God that He kept her alive in spite of our makeshift efforts of care.  Her needs and what will make her grow are specific to HER. We will do our best but have to remain aware that all plants are not the same, some need different environments than other plants. God can make anything flourish and grow – if it is HIS will.

The boys only let me name one of our fourteen fish in the tank, so this new addition brought me great joy. It will be the first feminine named thing in our home – pink power!  We were thrilled that the little plant survived. She’s dainty, beautiful and pink. I wondered throughout this process, what is the race set before us? How do we make a loving, environment for those “unlike” us or what we are used to? 

Lord, thank you for Your beauty and the beauty of everything you create. Thank you for my beautiful neighbor who gave us this plant. Thank you for the guys  in this home who co-labor with me and who helped me repot this orchid, even though it looked hopeless and took  some time. Thank you for just the right amount of light to make Gloria grow. Thank you for the journey set before us that is unique, special and designed by You with us specifically in mind.

Gloria a Dios

*Also check out Give Us Your Heart by William McDowell. They are both great prayer songs.

RenaeRoche 2018 

The boys and I spent an evening in the emergency room this week. There were many people there with various ailments, some coughing, some bloody and some asleep from the wait. The hospital was doing a great job accommodating everyone but the severity of the conditions and amount of people were a bit overwhelming as we waited our turn.

There was a middle aged woman pacing the floor. She was dressed casually and fashionable.  She looked anxious but not ill.  The look on her face told me this wasn’t her first rodeo. There is a suffering that comes that teaches things you cannot get in a book. Those words were written on her face although I can’t exactly explain how I knew that. The fellowship of suffering is a real and tangible thing and once you’ve been to that place you recognize it in others.

Later on I was able to hear the woman’s story and since I do not have permission to share it, I will keep the details private. It was a brief encounter. Her son was there with a serious problem. Her other son was there comforting him. The worry on her face looked how my heart felt in that moment. You could tell that her older son knew how to comfort his younger brother. You could see that this woman loved them both and had invested a lot in her family. In spite of real, deep pain and agony their love for one another was beautiful to behold. It was sacred and told a story words could not express.

I offered water and prayer but nothing but getting in to see a doctor would alleviate their concern. I let her know we would be praying and I sincerely ask anyone reading this to pray for that family because they need a miracle for life to continue in any normal way.

This is what gripped me that evening. She was scanning the room, looking for solutions, wondering about the outcome, wondering if things would turn out alright. I was a total stranger and so desperately wished I could fix their pain. Her searching eyes and focus on helping her son stirred me to pray. Her love and concern still linger in my mind as I remember her desperation. The need is so great that only God can help them.

Jesus is merciful. Eleos (Greek word for mercy) means He stands waiting to help, waiting to be compassionate and kind, ready to assist and show love. He not only sees our struggle but WANTS to help. That is not just for the righteous or those who have daily devotions. It’s not for those who are members of churches or sing certain hymns. It is who He is at His core.

That mom would have done ANYTHING in the world at that time to help her son. Yes, you reason, but that’s a mom’s natural love for a child she has birthed and raised up in this world. That’s much different than a holy God who reigns the universe.

Consider this verse: 15 For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!”  Romans 8:15 ESV

Could that same God welcome you? Me? He’s pretty far up there in rank and authority. He sees all of our sins and failures. He knows all of our flaws. Sometimes I feel like I can’t reach Him. Sometimes I question if He cares about a little worm such as myself. Sometimes I feel very carnal and small. But when I lose my way, when my vision grows dim I can look at Jesus and see what He was like on this earth. Reading God’s word reminds us that our fears are about us and not how God feels at all. Matthew 14 reminds us Jesus helped Peter walk on the sea; people touched just the fringe of his garment and were healed. He didn’t just sit in the synagogue and yell “next” when people came to Him. He continually demonstrated His fathers’ compassion and care so we would know His character, His heart.

If we have come to Christ, He does not stand aloof, just begging us to go to church. He stands postured to extend the mercy of the Father, He stands with open arms wanting to help, wanting to hear, wanting to bless. Not just because He’s merciful, not just because we are pitiful, but because we are SONS – adopted heirs. He loved us so much He died on a cross to provide real answers and solutions to our real needs.

One prayer request I’ve waited for over eight years for an answer, without any response. Another one, four years. When God is silent we are tempted to think He is aloof, uninterested or even possibly rejecting us along with our need. But that is contrary, opposite of His nature. Time erodes our faith, circumstances cloud our hope. The Life of Jesus, His character, grace and actions SCREAM the opposite of what the world or our fears tell us, if we will only pause long enough to hear. He is not only true, He is merciful. He is not only alive, He sees and hears and wants to help.

I’m asking God to intervene for that worried mama in the ER. I’m asking God to reveal himself to the young man encouraging his little brother. I’m asking God to continue to show me how deep and wide and strong is His love for me. I’m not a passing stranger He wants to impress, I am His adopted SON (same title for daughters) and He stands waiting to help, assist, offer compassion, love and kindness.

Thank you Jesus. Though I do not always see it, though I take it for granted, you want to support, bless and guide. Help us see who you really are today and who we are as adopted sons. Thank you for letting me encounter compassion in the midst of pain.