
Matthew, named “gift of the Lord” was a tax collector, previously named Levi, who wrote the best seller for things pertaining to Jesus and his story. This best-read book of the early church unfortunately has become one of the least read Gospels of our generation. It is filled with Jewish background, genealogies and stories that do not appear anywhere else in scripture. It is worth asking why this Gospel is often omitted in churches – perhaps it is too difficult to research or regretfully many do not like to study history. In some circles anti-Semitism clouds the rich heritage that would bring clarity to prophecies that have been fulfilled.  For those who dig deep- rich treasure awaits!

Whatever took place during Matthews’ life, we can see the end result in Acts 1:13 where we find him sitting with the other disciples in an upper room.  We can also see the new Kingdom agenda working – Note the disciple is with the women who ministered with them also – all in unity. These things do not happen by coincidence, nor are they typical for that generation but they do represent a transformation in relationships. Matthew records that.  OT and NT come together. Tax collectors and church folks, together? Men and women, together? Jews and Gentiles working and worshipping – together? The Old Covenant being fulfilled in the New is the focus of this book. The more you study the prophecies the more you see that Christ is the promised Messiah.  Matthew shows us the process of being Christs disciple and relational unity throughout his book, showcasing both the KING and His Kingdom.  

I want to pause for a second and exhort the Church in this season. We are in a spiritual upheaval and the church mamas and papas need to speak up now more than ever. Silence has not helped the Church! and in some instances has left her behind justice, the very thing the prophets cried out for in their day. Women are needed in politics, churches and especially in families to rise up and be who Christ has called them to be. (Slowly reread that in light of what is taking place today). Not just in the pew or the applause section but in every ministry and on every board.  We can’t say the Gospels are for this when our ministries do  not represent this as the world has taken note. Matthews Gospel promotes partnership, collaboration and .Gods spirit being used in every believer. 

Categorically, Women (or any group) are not: depressed, suicidal, promiscuous, Jezebel wannabes, mentally ill, perpetual victims, emotional or any other host of things that are put on them when others fear their promotion or release. Let us move past these archaic labels specifically designed to limit Gods movement in the earth. Seriously, if you use these tools of stereotype you are fighting the King Himself.  Random assessments intended to suppress others are being exposed quickly. Judgement begins in the House of God. The entire body is needed to combat the fears and foes of this generation. Gods’ not playing anymore – the King is about to return, and He will be retrieving HIS Bride – in all her glory (male, female, black, white, democrat and republican). If you have used tools to suppress any group of people (yes even white males), now is the time to make amends and get ready. Lamps filled with oil are not needed on a sunny day – they are needed when it is dark.  Called women are not willing any longer to watch their families, churches, neighborhood or country fall to ruins. Make room and let them do what they have been prepared to do in this hour.  In plain language – interview the women in your church, get their resumes, inquire about their passions, seek to find open doors,  plan coffee with them and leaders to plan –hire and honor those unlike you, do NOT rest until each one is placed in the body and using her FIERCEness to challenge the status quo.  Submit your fears of other colors or genders to GOD and GO reach your communities!  WE must change, be change, activate change if there will ever be change. We do not have to fast and pray for something already clearly in Gods word.  Fast and pray for how to mobilize every person in your congregation. Then sit back and watch Gods Kingdom move.

Back to our book…

I love how Matthew takes fourteen generation of the Royal family and fills it with victors and villains. Although the legacy is long, the ones that complete the Kings rule are those who sought after God. From the very first chapter we see that God does not rely on human choices, families, or pedigree to do His will. Stop relying on your grandpappy to be your ticket or your lineage to declare your righteousness – it is only the blood of Jesus, in every generation. King David would not have been able to be in his family photo on Facebook! Yet, God made him King. It is time to bury the dung that smells in all our “gifts, titles, relatives and roles”. The Kingdom reign suggests that the fragrant one is Christ ALONE. If you have a broken, blended, or awesome family – God will still use you, but only IF– you are yielded to Him. We rely on the Holy Spirit, not gene pool or title and this Gospel points that out in the beginning. King David- the King of sinners in the Old Testament, is prominently displayed in the lineage that produces King Jesus. That would never have taken place without several sinful characters and also several holy ones. Matthew includes quite the blend of sinners and saints = women, Jews and even children making this Gospel loved by all.

In an election year, the chaos and violence are more pronounced. This narrative is no exception. If you factor in the stress they experienced in their political upheaval, this story comes to life. Reading about the Census and King Herods’ paranoia seemed timely. I took a month off from writing this blog after studying Malachi and let some of the lessons “soak” into our value and family system. Sometimes letting things “rest” helps to clarify what is important. I wonder if the giant pregnant pause between Malachi and Matthew was used by God to get people to meditate on what God had said prior to that. Was He letting the dust settle so the messages He had given them would be obeyed? We do that with our children – give them space to slow down and really hear what we are saying. Our youngest was explaining the Nativity story to his younger cousins one year and stated that “Mary, was a Veteran(virgin) so we should honor her.” Sometimes messages bear repeating until they are accurate and followed. Isn’t it like God to challenge our perceptions and redirect our behavior also? Things not going as planned is a tool to make people cling to what is truly important. Unity, obedience, love.

It was interesting to me that the story of the wise men is only written in Matthews Gospel. The secrecy of their journey and leaving in the night to protect the young child would have altered the story significantly in their day. We learned recently that the more you try to keep something confidential – the further it spreads! How odd that we have this flight and witness protection program in the life of Jesus before he even becomes a teenager! Keep it silent in the desert would come long before “Go, tell it on the mountains.” Jesus parents had to value Gods’ voice in their lives above all others.  What a model of parenting! Herod, feeling deceived that he did not have all the information, did not short-circuit Gods plans to safeguard the holy family. Christmas pageants today, do not include the story of Rachel weeping for her children and thousands of babies murdered in Bethlehem. Some of the anger from those passages can be felt in our country today. Babies are still pawns in political agendas and continue to be eliminated. Babies were sacrificed in Matthews Nativity story – a cover-up of epic proportion. Mans’ kingdoms come with a price tag when they are against Gods’ will. The innocent were Herod’s target, much like today. Matthew, the “gift from the Lord” is the only one who mentions this atrocity and the connection between Herods’ foiled plan and babies being destroyed. Power mongering, control, greed and fear =breed death in every kingdom. For this purpose was the son of God manifest – to destroy the works of the evil one. Who’s the King on your throne?

Matthew includes the narrative of the wise men’s gifts which would be normal for a tax collector to “follow the money.”  Matthews keen eye for budget, finances, travel, lodging, and issues like inheritance gives us in-depth insight into the Kings early life. These detailed, logic driven individuals are not often the life of the party, but they are much needed in understanding the full picture of any people group. We can credit Matthews personality strength for giving us perspective into this narrative of young Jesus’ life.

This month is adoption month throughout our nation. Maybe we could apply some “Matthew theology” to those in this process? Maybe we could understand their fears, roadblocks, finances and stand with those warring to protect the forgotten children of our land? Or those outside the border? Pro-life needs to include toddler life, teenage life, and disabled children’s lives as well. If you cannot adopt, please considering standing with those who take on this enormous blessing and task. If there was ever a poster child for adoption it would be the Nativity story. Joseph signed up for a task that benefited the entire world! My older son when he was little called them “Marnie and Jeffef” instead of Mary and Joseph. Somehow it made them more human in our eyes. We often wondered if the early family needed diapers, formula or friendship as they started their new family far away from relatives and synagogue friends. Did they pretend they were not blended; did they gloss over the fact that the baby was not technically theirs? Did they evade questions or have a baby shower? The life Mary dreamed of became the dream for the entire world, but first she had to endure the nightmare. Perhaps God puts this story first, so we understand its importance in our lives today? What will we do to follow God? What dreams will we lay down to be found faithful by the King? Where will we move, work or worship to accomplish Gods’ plan?

The Key “King sermon” from Matthew comes straight from Jesus. It is the body of information that Christ shares with His disciples. The “Kings Proclamation” as it is called, is chapters four through seven. The entire book is awesome but for space and time I just want to point out that if you want to know the heart, the platform, the message from King Jesus to you and your family in this hour, these are the chapters to focus on. It is here we see how Jesus wants us to live. It was what the early church took to heart and passed on with passion. It takes less than a half hour to read. How different the Church would be if this was our focus today! Here is a brief intro:

Chapter Four:

Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted[a] by the devil. After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. The tempter came to him and said, “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.”

  1. Jesus knew and was led by the Spirit (not a political, prophetic or church group. Good advice). If we are to be like Jesus, model Jesus or follow after Him this is one of the premier passages that tells us how – be led by the Spirit. That would imply that we need to know the Spirit and take time to listen to the Spirits directives. Later on, at the end of this body of proclamation Jesus tells us those who hear these words and PUT THEM INTO PRACTICE are those who truly are wise.

Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’[b]

  1. Jesus knew the scripture and how to navigate the misuse of scripture

The devil’s favorite thing is to twist scripture for his purposes. Knowing God and knowing His word needs to be a priority in a world that regularly spins it for their own fake agendas. Dig deep, dig often – yourself.

Then the devil took him to the holy city and had him stand on the highest point of the temple. “If you are the Son of God (identity threat),” he said, “throw yourself down. For it is written:

“‘He will command his angels concerning you,
    and they will lift you up in their hands,
    so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.’”

Jesus answered him, “It is also written: ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.”

Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. “All this I will give you,” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me.”

  • Jesus was only concerned about one Kingdom – His Fathers, not his own. He had already laid down his kingdom, so it was not available to give away.

10 Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! (He did not entertain or debate him). For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God and serve Him only.”

  1. Jesus knew all temptations were an attempt to divert and hijack true worship. The devil was not after his ministry or attention but his primary weapon of warfare- worship. Worship is at the heart of everything we believe and do, and this was a major temptation. Defeated people lose their joy and cease their worship – that is the biggest loss! Jesus is ALWAYS worthy of our worship.

11 Then the devil left him, and angels came and attended him.

  1. This is the first assignment Jesus had and part of his OJT. Jesus could receive ministry and balanced it with REST. If the son of God allowed time to recover and rest, certainly humans need that too!

The rest of these chapters are great advice for disciples on all levels. Jesus was not trying to build His own kingdom but His fathers and constantly sought God’s agenda. This is ministry 101. His messages were not “best life now” but “Come follow me” and consisted of repentance and good news that salvation and deliverance were possible for those who came to Him. It emphasized making Gods kingdom known and not just rehabbing our lives and hearts. If we only followed this small chapter we would do well. Our generation wants to reach their destiny and use all their amazing gifts to reach their full potential. The early church focused on everyone listening to the King so HIS kingdom could be seen here on earth. It is time for a Kingdom shift – Matthew style. I have seen Gods’ blueprint work over a city to reach the lost and it’s life changing.

WHOEVER wins the election will affect America.  However, the Kingdom was established long ago, and the Kings bidding WILL BE DONE — one way or another. Gods’ kingdom is without end. Paul stated he was not of Apollos or Cephas but of Christ. As half the nation (or 3/4 depending on your news channel) grieves the loss of their candidate winning– it might be healing if we all step back from these other “kingdoms” and focus on the ONE true King and His Kingdom. Let us remember HIS campaign promises and follow HIS agenda.

It is time to be led by the Spirit. It is time to read and understand God’s word. It is time to seek the Lord FIRST and give Him ALL of our honor, respect, and worship. If we stay busy with that, we will be too busy to get burdened by other things.

Sounds too good to be true, too simple?

Well, maybe why that’s why Jesus came in the form of a human baby to make things easier, more understandable. He was born King – God’s purpose for Him was to shine the light in the darkness. Our purpose? Same. Go find some darkness and shine in it. Seek God and His Kingdom FIRST. Like Matthew, as we follow Jesus we will start to look, work and function more like Him – what a gift!

“Lord, in these troubled times we declare that YOU are our King, and it is YOUR kingdom that we seek. May Your kingdom come; may Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

Renae Roche 2020

PS. This blog was written as an insight to the book of Matthew.  I pray you are loved and blessed as you seek Gods face during these trying times. You are always welcome to call for prayer or to give insight.


This past month we watched the pro tennis player Novak Djokovic prepare to win a big match. He is believed to be the number one tennis player in the world. He comes from Belgrade Serbia. It is amazing how far this young man has come. In a heated moment, he accidently bounced a ball that hit a judge in her neck and was kicked out of the tournament. It was not only unfortunate but predictive. It was not the first occurrence of unrestrained anger for him and the judges decided it was “Game Over” for this exceptional athlete. No matter his talent, how he treated others changed the game. It reminded me of a game show years ago “Hollywood Squares” when the star Paul Lynde suddenly died of a massive heart attack. It was sudden to us but there were multiple warnings for his substance abuse according to He was playing games and then it was “game over” for his life. It was preventable and predictive which made it even more heartbreaking. This past month two national leaders were exposed for sexual sin and the church at large once again became “just like the world”. As I read the words from Malachi to the people, “take this to heart” it was clear that Gods position was from a desire to spare, a hope to bless His people, yet they continued in their own self-directed ways. Folly will eventually be exposed, no matter one’s title or position.  In our fast-paced world, it is easy to forget that God is faithful to punish and reward. Malachi’s burden was to tell the people to take God seriously, take His word to heart and to not ignore the prodding’s of the Lord.

Malachi has come to a post exiled community where Nehemiah had been promoting, “Make Jerusalem great again!”  In spite of prophetic warnings, the people after the exile were just as corrupt and lukewarm as those who were rebuked prior to the exile. The Exile had not accomplished what it was intended for – change and repentance. The interesting thing is that Malachi was addressing the religious leaders – the priests and not just the people. They were exploiting their workers, treating others treacherously, committing adultery and idolatry. Using and abusing people had become the norm.  So, Malachi lets them know that God was tired of the games they were playing and wanted them to know they were loved. The entire message is couched in terms of love and repentance. Judgement was coming, Messiah was also coming, and the people were given warning after warning – to no avail. Instead of responding to Gods offer of love the people hear Gods declaration, then defend and give argumentative feedback and God responds. Who could imagine winning an argument with God?  Instead of surrendering to Gods offer of love, they push back with fighting and more disingenuous questions. This message is timely for todays situations as well. It speaks to leaders and believers today to lay aside idolatry, adultery, and treacherous ways. God may delay but surely, He will come! As we have watched national leaders fall recently, the message is painfully relevant. It is time to arise from our slumber and make God our number one priority. We must take the day seriously and focus on God’s will, putting aside lesser loves.

For those of you college grads you know what it is like to feast on spaghettios or Rama noodles. Cold Pizza is just what you have to do to get thru those busy study times. You learn to eat leftovers for survival but somewhere along the way we forget that season is over and it is a new day. Our palates get used to lukewarm leftovers and we expect nothing else. Perhaps the tyranny of life also acclimates us to survival in our relationships, marriages, church attendance, even our Christian walks if we are not intentional. One occasion can turn into every day quickly. Malachi calls us to stop the mindless, passionless activities and get back to giving God and loved ones, our BEST – fresh, pure, passionate hearts. It is time to refresh our palates and our hearts!  

I’ve been listening to Matthew Wests song “Going thru the Motions” this month. It asks the questions, what if I had given everything instead of just going thru the motions?”  It’s a haunting thought. Do we realize how much potential we have in God, how ready He is to hear and answer our prayers? If we truly believed in His  name, we would live very different.  Today is not over yet….


Chapter 3 “I will send my messenger, who will prepare the way before me. Then suddenly the Lord you are seeking will come to His temple; the messenger of the Covenant, whom you desire, will come,” says the Lord Almighty. But who can endure the day of his coming? (I believe the New Covenant and Lords supper is being prophesied here) It begs the question – why are people hesitant to take communion, to pause and rejoice in the New Covenant? Today in 2020, we need to remember and not forget what God has done for us!  His table still matters. Reflecting on His sacrifice will give us a proper perspective and focus. Churches need to remember the New Covenant and not be weary of the very thing Jesus said to do “in remembrance of me”. Honoring and respecting God trickles down in how we treat one another. In what areas have we become weary of God? The pandemic has given many an excuse to continue being apathetic and serving God with a lackadaisical attitude.

Who can stand when He appears? For He will be like a refiner’s fire or a launderer’s soap. (See also Isaiah 1:18) He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver; He will purify the Levites and refine them like gold and silver. Then the Lord will have men who will bring offerings in righteousness, and the offerings of Judah and Jerusalem will be acceptable to the Lord, as in days gone by, as in former years.“So I will come to put you on trial. I will be quick to testify against sorcerers, adulterers and perjurers, against those who defraud laborers of their wages, who oppress the widows and the fatherless, and deprive the foreigners among you of justice, but do not fear me,” says the Lord Almighty.

1 Peter 4:17 tells us that “judgement begins at the house of God”. Before the return of the Lord it would make sense that priests would be the first group that God addresses. The priests of that day did not meet on Sundays and their duties encompassed their entire lives. We can now read 1 Peter 2:9 and realize WE are the royal priesthood today and this message is for all who say they follow after God.  These words are to challenge us as they challenged the priests then. Sadly, some representing the Lord are still exploiting workers, dealing treacherously with other saints, and committing sin. Many in privileged positions still ignore the poor and treat others partially. The people today, like then, operate as if a holy God is not watching. The hope is that IF we surrender to the refiner and purging one, we can be white as snow, pure gold reflecting Gods image. That possibility remains for any who return to the Lord. We must choose to do so, actively, and willingly while there is still time.

The Old Covenant required that we give tithes and offerings. If you are still stuck offering 10% you are under the law. The New Covenant initiated by Jesus Christ is above and beyond, better than, greater than and hopefully looks more wonderful in our lives and fellowships. The minimum is for people that do not trust God will come thru, it is a litmus test. Then and now, God wants our hearts and first place – not leftovers and people doing heartless, perfunctory rituals. Wild abandon to God with joy and grace is more the picture. Now is the time to test and prove God!

If you study the fall of the Roman Empire, you will see that if they had heeded this book they may have lasted longer. Both kingdoms were not destroyed from enemies without but imploded due to a BIG enemy within- apostasy and divorce. Gods people were forgetful of God’s name – person, character, and deeds. They forgot His precepts, law, and commands. God bored them and they were irritated that anything was required of them. Because of their forgetfulness, the people practiced faithlessness and divorce became the norm. Treacherous relationships where people lie, cheat, steal or treat others with dishonor does not bring Gods’ favor. It blocks it and incurs Gods wrath. When people are biased and partial like in Malachi’s day, God sees. God sees today as well. In order to avoid meddling I will not mention racial justice, sexism, ageism or a host of other areas where we categorize or ignore people due to various grouping but it would be worth ones time to ask God to search our hearts and show us areas where we have engaged in these behaviors. The privileged leaders in Malachi’s day were incredulous when confronted. They did not believe they were doing anything wrong, yet God thought otherwise. We cannot change what we are not willing to confront and own. Search us Lord, dig deep!

In other prophets you hear them speak for God but here we get to hear God directly, “You have spoken arrogantly against me,” says the Lord. “Yet you ask, ‘What have we said against you?’ 14 “You have said, ‘It is futile to serve God. What do we gain by carrying out his requirements and going about like mourners before the Lord Almighty? 15 But now we call the arrogant blessed. Certainly, evildoers prosper, and even when they put God to the test, they get away with it.’” 16 Then those who feared the Lord talked with each other, and the Lord listened and heard. A scroll of remembrance was written in His presence concerning those who feared the Lord and honored His name.”  How do we honor His name? That means to reflect and treasure His person, character, and deeds. It takes time and intentional purpose to get to know God. We need to treat God and His name with respect and honor, worshipping with pure hearts. God heard their worship but also their conversations. God knows those who are His with devoted hearts and those who are tepid in their faith.

17 “On the day when I act,” says the Lord Almighty, “they will be my treasured possession. I will spare them, just as a father has compassion and spares his son who serves him. 18 And you will again see the distinction between the righteous and the wicked, between those who serve God and those who do not. 4 “Surely the day is coming; it will burn like a furnace. All the arrogant and every evildoer will be stubble, and the day that is coming will set them on fire,” says the Lord Almighty. “Not a root or a branch will be left to them. But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays (awesome promise!). And you will go out and frolic like well-fed calves. Then you will trample on the wicked; they will be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day when I act,” says the Lord Almighty.

“Remember the law of my servant Moses, the decrees and laws I gave him at Horeb for all Israel. “See, I will send the prophet Elijah to you before that great and dreadful day of the Lord comes. He will turn the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents; or else I will come and strike the land with total destruction.”

For those who celebrate the New Covenant, we are still called to remember it, we are still called to bless the Lord with worship, offerings and tithes, we are still called to be holy but it is not out of obligation or demand but– love. Malachi warned the people of God in his generation and we hear his clarion call today – guard against having a treacherous heart, return to God, return to the God who loves you and He will return to you. Quickly – the Lord is coming soon. Do not just go thru the motions but pursue Him with everything. Stop the games, the evil deeds and worship the Lord.

Malachi’s word was so intense that it lasted 400 years. God did not receive their priests or sacrifices. He used a visual of smearing feces on their faces to emphasize His point! Gross. Let that sink in for 400 years….. Then came a perfect baby in Matthew, that we know as the lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world. Even though we gave God our worst, God offered us HIS BEST. No other sacrifice is needed, no other sacrifice will pay our debt. That child became the perfect High Priest who walks and ministers thru the heavenlies and will be very opposite of the priests in Malachi’s day. He became the perfect and BEST High priest. His everlasting love will be seen on the cross and He became for us the forgiving and perfect faithful One, returning for His Bride. Malachi knew God hated divorce, he knew God was upset with their sacrifices, he knew their faithlessness to each other was indicative of their faithlessness and forgetfulness of God. When Christ returns to the Temple, He prepares the way, clears it out so His father’s house could become a true place of prayer and worship, not games. Christ is our example; Christ is our solution and Christ is the answer – for America and for eternity.

Read Malachi, let his message go deep down into your soul. I do not know if we can “Make America Great Again” but I do know we can ask God to refine us, purge us and make us like HIM. Everything else needs to fade and Malachi reminds us that the great one does not change. We need to see HIM as great, trusting that He will make us His treasured possessions and spare us as a father spares His son. What will you now do with this message?  My prayer is that it will not make you weary but HUNGRY for more of GOD with a desire to honor Him and His name.










The song Imagine by John Lennon has sold millions of copies and has been a hit throughout the years. It expresses what many cannot and that is a deep desire for world peace, religion that heals instead of hurts and barriers torn down that all could live in peace. The words, “Imagine there’s no Heaven. It is easy if you try. No hell below us. Above us only sky. Imagine all the people living for today.”  Yes, people said he was a dreamer.

This month the blog is on the Bible book of Zechariah – a dreamer, vision seer of a different kind. He imagined a real Heaven with a real God trying to call people back to Himself. His book is filled with all kinds of visions, messages and burdens and while it is one of the most unstudied or talked about book of the entire Bible, and although he is not as popular as John Lennon, he had a lot of good things to say. He pointed us to a very real heaven and pointed out the way to gain God’s favor instead of anger.

Zechariahs’ name comes from Zakar (Hebrew for Remember) and Yah (Hebrew for God) so his name literally means God has remembered. In a world where everyone forgets that is comforting! He was a  seer and a prophet’s son. His 8 visions, 4 messages and 2 burdens were all for the purpose of encouraging people to rebuild the Temple.  His prophetic call was different from his contemporaries. He was a weird guy, but his work not only impacted his generation but one day Jesus would walk into the very temple he had encouraged them to build. His work was fit for a king! There needed to be a place for people to find God and one another. God sent Zechariah to encourage them to build, build and keep building. He was sent to give them that message in various forms. Note that he had a different role than the priest or king.

There are many comments in Zechariah about false shepherds and looking for the true Shepherd. I am going to intentionally not mention those things out of love for shepherds today who are struggling on many levels. Pastors  have the same stressors, worries and pressures that their congregants have  and if ever they needed a break it is now. Maybe instead of pointing out their failures we could apply some of that grace and mercy we are longing to receive. Those looking to the Great Shepherd will fare much better than those who do not. Maybe bringing supplies to the church would be a way of celebrating this book! Ask God how you can help build HIS church in this hour.

Zechariah gives many wonderful promises of a Shepherd and Savior to come. Worship is priority and those who look for this KING should rejoice because surely He is coming! What will He find us doing?

I’ve wondered this month; how does this book apply in our day?  Hear a few of the scriptures regarding the Temple in the NT:

Mar. 14:58 “I will build another Temple, not made with hands.”

Mar. 15:38 “The veil of the Temple was rent in two, top to bottom.”

John 2:15 “He made a whip of cords and drove them out of the Temple.”

Acts 2:45 “They continued daily in one accord in the Temple and breaking bread from house to house…”

Acts 26:21 “For this cause the Jews caught me in the Temple and went about to kill me.”

1 Cor. 3:16 Know ye not that YE are the Temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?’


So, we see that the Temple has a new, fulfilled meaning post resurrection. It has always had controversy; it has always had a remnant and people trying to fashion it after their version of God. It is also the work of the Lord and Jesus said HE would build HIS church and the gates of Hell would NOT prevail against it! God is wanting to build HIS kingdom and fill us with His Spirit to be the Church in this hour. Not a building made with hands but a people where He can move and reign.

Imagine, by John Lennon – did you know it really was not written by him? Years later Yoko Ono filed for half of the copyright. Here is what Lennon said, “A lot of it, the lyric and the concept – came from Yoko, but those days I was a bit more selfish, a bit more macho.” (BBC Interview 1980).  The song written in 1971 took 9 years before it became public that it was a collaboration. Perhaps along with world peace, we should also imagine a world where the body of Christ functions TOGETHER. Black and white, Democrat and Republican, Male and Female? His Spirit, in full measure always unifies, not divides, includes, not excludes. It is Gods’ signature. His Spirit moves, speaks, and functions in both Gentile and Jew, male and female and by His Spirit means He uses young, old and whosoever calls on His name. It is time for the world to see this. When we fight for the unborn but smear people like Kamala Harris (or Sarah Huckabee Sanders), we look UGLY. When we fight for women’s freedoms and bash white church guys, we look UGLY.  You can insert any party, gender or color – unverified gossip is evil and hatred makes God angry.  No it doesn’t matter if others are doing it, and no being better is still rooted in competition –be holy!

Imagine if we let the Holy Spirit sow cords of love through it all and decide others can choose their path but we CHOOSE to follow after God with ALL our might, soul, and strength. Yielded hearts bring God much pleasure. I do not know about you but lately I feel allergic to nonsense.

Ephesians 2:21, “In whom all the building fitly framed TOGETHER grows unto a holy temple in the Lord.

The Lord through wild visionary dreamer Zechariah, lets us know that we need to return to God, not religion, not affiliations or churches but first to God Himself. The promise is that IF we do, God will return to us. Then He calls us to repentance to build alongside others (similar/opposite).

I liked chapter One, vs. 13 where the angels are questioning if God will have mercy on these pitiful folks. God comforts them and the wording is almost consolation for those in grief. I wonder how much of our world they see and wish they could impact.  

During the COVID-19 crisis we were encouraged to put up Christmas lights to bring hope to our neighborhood. We did and one night plugged in a tall white lacy angel. Well, during a windstorm, our angel, complete with a scarf around her neck, got airborne. Up she went past the trees and houses, flying in the breeze. I sincerely hope no drunks were out at that hour as seeing this angel swooping around would have been quite disturbing to say the least. I was extremely concerned she would land on some unsuspecting walker or freak out some wayward child threatened by their parents that God is always watching. We had a lot of fun with the thought of where it might land. After the lockdown we were guest preaching in a church in another city. I decided to “gift” them with my special angel. Leaves had collected on it and my husband and kids recommended we leave it at home. I urged them on and when my husband began teaching that morning on the angels in Revelation, he sheepishly admitted that the gift was timely. Angels are real and whether it is one flying over your house with a pretty scarf, or one assigned to you or your local church– we can imagine God caring about the outcomes. Not all dreams are while we are sleeping. God has dreams, plans, and hopes for our families and the churches. I imagine they look more like Zechariahs’ visions, than John Lennon’s song.

Last month as we studied Haggai, I kept asking God how He wanted to build His church. Zechariah tells us in Zechariah, chapter One, vs. 16, “My house shall be built in Mercy.” What is mercy?  It is tender affection, grace, and pity. It is the bowels or seat of emotion and refers to love and tender affection. Remember that? Deep, abiding, fervent, affection like one would have for a relative. 1 Peter 4:8, “Above all, love each other deeply for love covers a multitude of sins.” IF it is truly God’s house – that will be the mark of it. Not Facebook likes, publicity stunts or offerings but genuine love for one another, for ALL. You cannot buy that at Walmart or Mardel. You cannot learn that at Seminary. Not even great Hillsong or Bethel music will be the trademark of God’s presence – only His mercy working in and through the body of Christ and individuals.

Zechariah goes on to remind us that it is “NOT by might, nor power but only by God’s spirit”, Zech.4:6. Not best practices, not muscle or title or degree but by diligently obeying His voice that we will be able to hear and know the Lord.

This great man who encouraged the building of the Temple also addresses one of the hugest battles in this process – our minds. Joyce Meyers Battlefield of the Mind would be timely to read with this book. Chapter Seven, vs. 9 & 10,

“Execute true justice, show mercy and compassion everyone to his brother. Do not oppress the widow or the fatherless, the alien or the poor. Let none of you imagine or plan evil in his/her heart against his/her brother/sister.”

To imagine means to think, esteem, calculate, make a judgement, plot, meditate. When we are building something great and big and awesome it is easy to think we are mighty and on the “winning side” but the Lord wants us to be on HIS SIDE. Building WITH the saints is more important than going solo or without the ones God sent to share his word/burden/prophecy. This same word (Imagine) is used when Eli thinks Hannah is drunk. There she is praying, and he accuses her falsely of having an addiction. His assessment is based on what is in his own heart, not Hannah’s and gives a wrong diagnosis. Ouch!  Talk about painful. There she is serving the church and the priest, and they think she is doing them harm. It happened right before God was getting ready to move. The enemy is incredibly good at his craft. This is an arrow the enemy uses, and we are all susceptible.  It is interesting that it is mentioned as a correction while building. We would be wise to give others the benefit of the doubt in these seasons.

I have fallen in this area many times unfortunately. I had a dear friend visit me recently and I confided in her a struggle I was having in my personal life. Later I overheard her three times tell someone on the phone, “I got the dirt and I’ll share it with you when I return to the city.” She had been a trusted prayer warrior and confidant. My heart was broken. I could not believe she had changed so much. She was a champion in my life, and this disturbed me greatly. I decided to take it to the Lord and asked Him to help me ask the question I feared the most. In this era of conspiracy, era of protests and masks vs. unmasked persons it is easy to mistrust anyone and everyone. The war lines are being drawn and the enemy will take as many prisoners as he can before the last hurrah. I went to my friend and before I could confront her with sharing my personal dilemmas she shared with me how the Lord had led her to go to the center of the United States to pray for Revival, anointing and repentance for our nation. Guess what? Yes, she brought dirt, actual physical dirt back from that very spot to remind her praying friends to intercede for our nation. She was raised up for “such a time as this”. Boy, did I feel stupid. I felt bad for not trusting, I felt bad for not guarding my tongue and almost wrecked a wonderful friendship. It takes just as much time to imagine GOOD about someone as it does bad. The difference is if we imagine good – the Lord will step in to comfort and support. If we imagine and judge bad and begin to plot evil, we step over into the side of the enemy and further from God.  These minor things hinder the building of not only the local church but the kingdom.

Return to God and Repent

Rebuild the Temple (people/church of God)

Restore everything, everywhere, everyone possible

I can only imagine what it would be like….   If we all returned. If we all walked by HIS side here. If we all repented, if we all began to build GODS Kingdom and invested our lives to restore Gods purposes. What if we looked on our sin and brought it to God and overlooked others and lifted them up in prayer before the throne, offering mercy and grace? I’m not there yet but I want to be.

Lord, we ask for Mercy. Lord, we ask for your help to give Mercy. Help us to build YOUR church, YOUR way for YOUR glory.

Build your Kingdom- here, in our hearts in this moment and with others where possible, we prayer. RenaeRoche2020


Ps. The link to comment often gets filled with odd ads so those who genuinely want to comment can contact me through email. 

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Haggai    New International Version (NIV)

When I was in Seminary a young pastor gave me some of the best advice I have received in my Christian walk. He said, “Get to know God.” Coupled with that advice was the knowledge that this particular preacher would take walks at night to really talk with God and seek out His wisdom. It was the core of his ministry, private and public. He directed me to the attributes of God – His goodness and greatness. One of the things I learned there was that holiness is the foundation of God’s throne. Things like integrity, veracity and compassion matter to God. When I have had to make decisions, these core values have led me. While studying Haggai this month, I have also been in Philippians, hearing Paul exhort us to “know, really know Christ.” Both of those things have helped me hear Haggai’s heart a little better than before.

According to Jack Hayford– Haggai was self-aware. He realized that God was speaking to Him and that He could actually hear His voice. If you write down all the references to God’s word, His voice and His message, it is pretty impressive that Haggai was so in tune with the Lord. That is a rare thing now a days as many soak up devotionals and sermons but few dig into the riches and wealth of God’s actual word.

Although Haggai is only two short chapters long it is packed with wisdom. More than likely Haggai was an Octogenarian – fancy word for old guy. If he had seen the original temple that would place him well beyond these young guys memories. They had passion to press forward but needed the wisdom on how not to repeat the same mistakes.  IMAGINE 70 plus years of learning a lesson only to repeat it!  Would anyone remember God’s instructions or to put Him as a priority?  The value of older people in the congregation cannot be emphasized enough. They bear the glory scars and have seen the larger picture. Haggai was crucial to inspire and remind them that God was the focus. Note that early on we are told that there is a threefold team here – priest, governor and prophet. They work in tandem to get the job done. The people – well, they are a different story because some are clinging to the past, some are too lazy (or self-absorbed) to move into the future and if they had a theme song it would sound like “I can’t get no satisfaction” by the rolling stones.

We can discuss the plurality of the Godhead and enter the debate the scholars have about Haggai or you can just praise the Desire of all nations and know that God likes using all three circles of influence – civil leadership/ governor, church leadership/ priest and spiritual realm/prophet. When one of those elements is missing –God won’t dance, as He likes to work with the full enchilada. It’s just His way – unity, diversity that is holy and honor.

This is what the Lord Almighty says: “These people say, ‘The time has not yet come to rebuild the Lord’s house.’”

We can trust that God hears what we are saying – about Him, His house and one another. For some that is relief and security and for others it is frightening. Nonetheless, still true. I think God said this tongue in cheek. It makes me laugh when I read it because the Sovereign Lord had things to say but they were all listening to one another instead of Him. It’s kind of like organizations on Facebook that make declarations on where they stand on various issues, while the Sovereign God sees/hears from above. When each household is focused on their own interests, it is easy to crowd God out. I found it interesting that God never said not to build their own houses, but merely stated that His house was in ruin. He who created the solar system, the rivers and fields of flowers and could create everything– left His own castle and home up to the hands of mere men. He gave special instructions and stated He would NOT dwell in temples made with hands. What do we build with then? Who will inhabit it ?

The One who is preparing a grand place for you and me or maybe “them and those”, was waiting to see what kind of place they would build for Him. He was having faith in them while waiting to see if they had faith in Him.

In the midst of the work God wanted them to know that He was among them and WITH them. He wanted to give them rest and peace which would come after their obedience. These leaders do not represent  just modern leadership –they represent Jesus as He builds HIS kingdom, not a building with walls. I love that in the midst of all the resources, occupations and opinions God sends those who are worshiping Him in first, to do the heavy lifting, breaking down barriers and setting God in His priority – Lord. When we establish altars of prayer and places of lifting God up, we are doing the same and making places where God can come and abide with us.

So back to the earlier mention of God’s throne built on the foundation of Holiness. I know a pastor in Missouri that decided to sell the huge church building for something smaller and it caused a ruckus. His focus on integrity (paying bills, avoiding debt, changing focus to Kingdom giving) was greater than the focus on appearance. It reminded me of Haggai. Zerubbabel’s temple would be much smaller, less grand and absent of ornate design, yet God’s presence would be there. Years later a guy born in a barn amidst smelly cattle would walk in and think it was pretty awesome. This same guys’ early dwelling had a dirt floor, so this new crib was very fancy. It was HIS opinion they were after.

After years of exile Haggai, the seasoned old guy recognized (unlike the young pups) that size doesn’t matter but heart does. After years of being in exile he was weary of missing God and probably desired something that satisfied more than the culture. True satisfaction ONLY comes from God and His Kingdom –and His direction. Although they could not see it then, they were working towards a spiritual structure that would house an eternal King – a Kingdom. Haggai wanted them to build it the right way – unlike they had done before. Priority, choices matter. 

I don’t know all the people on Lake street in Minneapolis but as they baptize people in water, I recognize God’s signature. I don’t know what churches they are all from but as they pass out Bibles, I recognize God’s resources. As they partner with various types of gifted people, I recognize God’s way of leadership. They are not sitting waiting for things to return to the way they “once were” but they are actively building a NEW structure that looks like the Kingdom we see in the scripture.

There is much to say about Haggai. The birth line through Jeconiah is fascinating. The contagious defilement of sin and non-contagious holiness debates are thought provoking. However, I’d like to learn from old guy Haggai and be short, so the point isn’t missed:

God’s kingdom is about God’s ways. He has preferences and standards. He likes the plurality of leadership that includes civil, sacred and spiritual. What the people say– isn’t the story of the day, but God’s Word IS. CHOICES MATTER and we can base them on God’s character or popular opinions but those choice have consequence either way.  Godly choices direct Godly behaviors and attitudes. Worship, putting God first, building His church and playing well with others is all part of that Kingdom plan.

Choose God and get to know Him. Build His kingdom and start by sending forth the worshippers….




I attended North Central University in Minneapolis in the 90s. I was a non-traditional student so decided to live off campus. Unaware of the dynamics, I moved into an apartment off of Lake street – just a couple blocks down from the third precinct. The pizza shop around the corner was filled with police officers one night and a gang drove by and gunned them all down. I had never encountered anything but respect for the police and this was devastating to me. Racial reconciliation was at a stalemate as lawlessness seemed to prevail.  I prayed for their families and the precinct while getting to know my neighbors which included a variety of families trying to make a living. Most used that bus stop shown on CNN this week. Many did not drive so they relied on the local businesses. Many of my neighbors were minorities. That same year there were riots due to the Rodney King incident and cars were burned outside my bedroom window in protest of injustice. I got to experience – a city that feared gangs and a city that feared police. What I heard was vastly different than what the news portrayed. When I heard the stories of why some got involved and the stories of young sons being beaten and even killed, my heart broke. I could not bear all the suffering. Watching the news this week was like a rerun and I wonder what it means that the same passions and biases are in play. Many are citing MLK on both sides of the fence, wishing he was still here to address the issues. Billy Graham has passed, Ravi Zacharias has passed, and many voices of reason have left the stage.

This month we are studying Zephaniah the minor prophet. History records he was the son of Cushi (an Ethiopian).  He was a man of social standing. His genealogy line has royalty in it – King Hezekiah and King Josiah. His name means Yahweh has hidden. Somehow, he lived through the atrocities of his time to share God’s protest. He was sheltered while the battle raged around him. Being from a royal family he had much to lose by sharing the judgement and word of the Lord.  One of my boys’ teachers (in her twenties) posted her experiences of discrimination and when they found out who it was, they had tears in their eyes. I was ashamed and cannot fathom how these things still happen in their generation. Where did we fail, why did we tolerate things, how does it continue?

So, in a land that was supposedly fertile and growing because the foreign gods were active, God dries up everything (man, beast, birds, fish, etc.). He shuts down the marketplace so they can listen. He gives them much room to consider their ways but they – don’t, so God increases the judgement and gives them time to consider their doings and change their ways but they – don’t. Sound familiar? He lets them know He is cutting the false worship down and that the syncretism must stop. Before we get a chance to feel morally superior to these folks, let us examine who else God was frustrated with:

Those who turned back from following the Lord (The Backslidden)

Those who have not passionately sought the Lord (The Apathetic)

Those who did not seek God frequently or with persistent care (The Arrogant)

Yikes. That is harder to dismiss isn’t it?  In many of the reforms the people changed their outward behavior but did not change their inward hearts, so revival was short-lived. Zephaniah brought the word that God was after BOTH. God tells them through Zephaniah that He will punish those who leap over the threshold (Looters, robbers and thieves). Even young believers know crime is bad but look at the next sentence – God will also punish the men (women) who are settled in complacency. Like the lees and dregs in a bottle of wine, they were worthless and needed to be shaken up.  It points to being in a rut and not being stirred up for God. Sometimes I wonder how many are staring at God instead of following Jesus. This group is not worried at all but prefer staying in their houses and oblivious to others pain. I am guessing these are the folks that say, “it’s not my problem” and go on with their day. God places this group right along with the looters! You won’t hear that on CNN or FOX news. We know what political leaders prefer but how many are aware of what the sovereign Lord thinks on these matters? This same group in Zephaniahs day thinks (but are to pious to say it out loud) “God will not do good, nor will He do evil.” They had decided He was not going to get involved in any of it. It is a fate or karma statement. God doesn’t work that way. God addresses both groups and tells BOTH that the DAY of the Lord is coming. Then God through Zephaniah defines it and it is scary. No matter what your political party or church affiliation the Lord will return and that Day will be intense. Zephaniahs choice of words in the Hebrew states God is so angry His nostrils are flaring and He is full of indignation regarding rampant sin.

God then calls them to GATHER or as the writer of Hebrews states, “forsake not the assembling of yourselves.” We are commanded in chapter two (verse three) to massively, intentionally, and passionately SEEK the Lord, all you meek of the earth, who have upheld His justice. It is imperative that we seek righteousness (justice), and humility. It may be that you will be hidden in the day of the Lord’s anger.”

Zephaniah continues to remind the people caught in the unrest of the day that God has seen their plight and has heard the insults and arrogant threats against them. He is well aware of the actions of those who were trying to harm them. He lets them know that God will visit and intervene. What a promise!

I want to draw your attention to chapter three of Zephaniah. The city (and by extension the people) have not obeyed, received correction, trusted in God, or drawn near to Him. It is filled with spiritual pollution and oppression. Her


have not protected but allowed the injustices to continue! That is a problem. They have done violence to the Law and have acted fraudulently, recklessly profaning what is holy. The ministers are described as frothy, light and wanton. Those who could protect, instead brought harm. Ouch. I can’t imagine Zephaniah, looking back over this cities history, wondering how things had gotten so bad.

Beloved, listen to God’s Word through Zephaniah. In contrast to all the wickedness:

The Lord is JUST/Righteous in her midst (God being just means this – that God guarantees to punish ALL evil, reward ALL good and keep ALL His promises).

He  will not do unrighteousness or iniquity

Every morning He brings HIS JUSTICE to light;

He NEVER fails (perpetual, continual – does not cause to want or lack and never ceases to help, like one that disposes an army).

So, God says, “I have made their streets desolate, with none passing by.” He hopes they will honor Him and receive instruction but instead they multiply their efforts to do evil.  

“Therefore WAIT …

(Piel- an imperative verb commanding us to WAIT, TARRY- this means to cut or carve a space for your waiting confidently for Yahweh, tying a knot to hang on)

until the day I rise up…   In other words carve  out time to long for, encounter and hear God!

He prophesies a day will come when He will restore to the people a pure (shining and kind) language and that the worshippers will come forth. This reminds me of the book of Acts and people having one language and magnifying the Lord together.

If you celebrated Pentecost Sunday you would have heard something about the Spirit being poured out on ALL flesh. Galatians 3:28 says it like this: There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are ALL one in Christ Jesus. Through Zephaniah, God promises to restore to the peoples a pure language that they ALL may call on the name of the Lord to serve HIM in ONE accord. Accord means with one shoulder bearing the burden or with the same yoke.

In the midst of the judgement — God tells His people to sing, shout, be glad and rejoice with all their hearts and gives them the sweetest promise:

THE King of Israel, the Lord is in your midst!

Though it has been many years the message that follows still pertains to us in the midst of racial conflict, a pandemic and political war:  …

Do not fear (be dreadful or afraid)

Zion, let not your hands be weak (dropped, slack, disheartened, sunken or withdrawn)

The Lord your God is in your midst, the Mighty One, will save;

He will rejoice over you with gladness (joy, mirth, and pleasure)

He will quiet you with His love (cause you to rest)

He will rejoice over you with singing. “I will gather those who sorrow over the appointed assembly who are among you to whom its reproach is a burden. Behold at that time, I will deal with (undo) all who bother and afflict you; I will save the lame and she who limps and is weary from the journey. I will abundantly and radically gather those who were driven out; I will appoint them (ordain and establish them) for praise and fame in every land where they were put to shame. At that time I will cause you to be brought back even at the time I gather you; for I will give you (a name/ reputation), and praise among ALL the peoples of the earth, when I return (turn back to restore, refresh and renew) your captivity (restored to former welfare and happiness, i.e. Job 42:10)  before your eyes,” says the Lord.

Dear Readers, you have seen the news, you have experienced the cultural temperature, you have lived through racial conflict. The ONLY hope of things changing is in Christ. I watched this week as leaders repented of apathy and coldness. It came from an authentic place and I believe God was pleased. I heard a former police officer pray for both officers and victims and I began to believe change was possible. I saw children wrestle with these topics and I too wondered how those in power and authority, how we could let such injustices take place. I am comforted that God is in our midst and that HE is just, He never fails and there is a DAY coming when ALL will be revealed. May we hide ourselves in that Leader- the Lord who is just and righteous, seeking His face and His heart, praying for our nation.

God says ALL matter and wants praise from ALL the people of the earth.

Thankful for our Ethiopian brother Zephaniah who waited on God to hear His voice and proclaim it! Thankful for others who repeat it today.


This morning the quarantine ban from COVID-19 lifted in our city. We had pondered how long it would last. It felt like forever. Impatiently I waited as events got cancelled and the stores all closed. Day after day more activities were prevented and awaiting “tomorrow” became the norm.  Isolated in our homes, we wondered how many deaths would take place, how long the suffering would continue. Nation after nation endured Covid-19 and prophetic and nervous people scrambled to make sense of things. I noticed as the earth began to rest and the skies became clearer, that many panicked, Facebook posts became more suspicious and grumbling more acute. The anxiety of the world was matched by sincere folks scrambling to be heard and not forgotten. Can we still be “worthy” if we do not do Keto, sudoku or webinars?

I am not sure if violence went down or the news editors just decided not to print crime stats due to overwhelmed readers. Political disagreements and injustice were not quarantined.  News cycles kept in front of us the seriousness of the day and Facebook kept us sane and laughing as funerals were held online. The absence of the deceaseds’ names bothered me.  How could all this grief get processed? How long will this continue Lord? How long? Habakkuk is the perfect book to read during this season. His name means “embracer or one who clings”. It contains answers to many of our current dilemmas. I invite you to discover the riches of this text with me during the month of May.


The prophecy (burden) that Habakkuk the prophet received.

How long, Lord, must I call for help,         
    but you do not listen? (accusation one)
Or cry out to you, “Violence!”
    but you do not save? (accusation two)
Why do you make me look at injustice? (accusation three)
    Why do you tolerate wrongdoing? (accusation four)
Destruction and violence are before me;
    there is strife, and conflict abounds. (implied that God is unaware, unconcerned)
Therefore the law is paralyzed,
    and justice never prevails.                             
The wicked hem (encompass or circle around / Corona) in the righteous,
    so that justice is perverted.

The Lord’s Answer

“Look (imperative) at the nations and watch (imperative) —      
    and be utterly amazed (imperative).                                               
For I am going to do something in your days                                      
    that you would not believe,
    even if you were told.                                   
I am raising up the Babylonians,                                                        (Their enemies!)
    that ruthless and impetuous people,                    
who sweep across the whole earth                     (Gods ways are large scale to make a point)
    to seize dwellings not their own.
They are a feared and dreaded people;
    they are a law to themselves
    and promote their own honor.                                
Their horses are swifter than leopards,
    fiercer than wolves at dusk.
Their cavalry gallops headlong;
    their horsemen come from afar.
They fly like an eagle swooping to devour;
    they all come intent on violence.
Their hordes advance like a desert wind
    and gather prisoners like sand.
10 They mock kings
    and scoff at rulers.
They laugh at all fortified cities;
    by building earthen ramps they capture them.
11 Then they sweep past like the wind and go on—
    guilty people, whose own strength (idolatry) is their god.”                  

12 Lord, are you not from everlasting?                                      
    My God, my Holy One, you will never die.                          
You, Lord, (not the enemy, culture or fate) have appointed them to execute judgment;
    You, my Rock, have ordained them to punish.
13 Your eyes are too pure to look on evil;
    you cannot tolerate wrongdoing.
Why then do you tolerate the treacherous?  (accusation five)
    Why are You silent while the wicked
    swallow up those more righteous than themselves? (accusation six)
14 You have made people like the fish in the sea,
    like the sea creatures that have no ruler.
15 The wicked foe pulls all of them up with hooks,
    he catches them in his net,
he gathers them up in his dragnet;
    and so he rejoices and is glad.
16 Therefore he sacrifices to his net
    and burns incense to his dragnet,
for by his net he lives in luxury
    and enjoys the choicest food.
17 Is he to keep on emptying his net,
    destroying nations without mercy?

            I almost did not put the full text of chapter one in here but if you read it and re-read it, note that GOD saw it ALL. He knew all about their circumstances, enemies, and plight.  The list is so specific. God did not miss a beat – He was involved in every detail.

I want to linger here.  Let’s slow this way down to see what Habakkuk did in his crisis.

We rush to gain the “big verses” that we can quote, memorize, preach, even live by. But here, in this darkness, ….in this cloud covered reality is where we are living today. I want to point out that Habakkuk was a realist. He saw things for what they really were and not just what he hoped they would be. Habakkuk was a prophet that dealt with real pain, real injustice, real death. He did not ignore it or sweep it under the rug. He did not candy-coat things and suggest being “more positive”. He did not give clichés or pithy statements to erase the sting of the situation. He went to the other extreme- but He told it to God FULL STRENGTH.

Many people live in the balance of life and death, tyranny and oppression, scandal, and defeat. The church at large, has often hunkered down, and suggested people see things almost whitewashed. Euphemisms and subtlety are encouraged.  Possibly things are pushed down because of the silent accusations against God in our minds that we cannot or will not express. Sometimes in our own doubts, we sweep others questions away, silently hoping God is stronger than what we believe. Habakkuk does not do that.  He looks at the bad in full light. He faces the circumstances head on. Then, he goes straight to the Top with his doubts and appeal for justice.  A Friend in the highest place!

Habakkuk did not just hear from God and then pop it out like a Pez dispenser to his kinsman. Habakkuk did not start by rallying the troops. We hear him FIRST pouring out his soul to God, agonizing over the injustice, bearing in his heart the crimes and atrocities around him. He asked, then waited for the Lords’ reply. Habakkuk was a man, not of excuses or substitutions. Habakkuk was a man of prayer.

Many skip the process of waiting, opting instead to give God a grocery list o needs. Forming habits for your prayer life can help with this so it becomes second nature. We bargain to see what answer God will give because we want resolution to our prayer. But what if the connection with God was the resolution God was after all along? Staying silent does not guarantee anything. Habakkuk stirred it up and went to his Source – “How long Lord, when and why?”  Knowing the end of this story, we may be tempted to rush to the victorious part but before the praise comes the pain, before the triumph and testimony comes the test.

So, how then do we live like Habakkuk?  I think we realistically look at what is happening in the circumstances – and bring it to the God who sees all. If we cannot get honest with God, who can we get honest with? Fake prayers get fake results. Maybe Paul says to “count it all joy” because we first need to reckon or list it! He knows our heart before we utter a word.

We breathe, we pause, we ask…. we anticipate His voice.

To live like Habakkuk means we do not put our heads in the sand because the “news is too much” or the nations are “someone else’s concern”. We fully immerse ourselves in our world, embracing the good, the bad and the ugly. Habakkuk was informed in his generation. To live like Habakkuk means we face what is taking place in us and others. Automatically that lifts us out of a Netflix, couch sustained mindset. Automatically that invites us into pain and suffering served up face to unmasked face — not curbside. Automatically we view our lives not as separate, but part of a human race that needs salvation, deliverance and justice.

How long Lord? Why? When?

My son was meditating on Jonah recently. He pointed out that if Jonah had been left in the whale just one additional day, he might have gone blind. I thought of Joseph in the pit or Paul in prison– just one extra day they could have caught pneumonia and died. Just how fragile is God’s will?  When will God intervene, and will it be soon enough? When our shelf life is expired, is God still watching? Lazarus and his sisters would strongly say yes and amen!  Life and Death are sovereignly in God’s hands, whether we agree or disagree. We are subject to God’s timing, as well as His compassion. The disciples were told repeatedly it was not for them to know the day or hour. God’s timing and deliverance was solely Gods’ business. Who alone knows the minute or hour? The One who is in control.  (Read Hebrews 11 for perspective).

Do we miss a crucial part of God’s mercy by overlooking pain and tragedy? Do we separate ourselves from those who live in deaths shadow? Do we isolate ourselves from believers overseas who face martyrdom while declaring God’s grace here in America? Closed eyes and stopped ears do not produce praying saints. Questions signify someone is listening!

Habakkuk saw the suffering around him but instead of doing multiple things, Habakkuk

spoke with God,– with God. Not just from or to God.

The time that Habakkuk stayed in prayer, decrying injustice, and laying out solid facts concerning the world around him was met by a holy God who was—



STILL ACTING on our AND the nations behalf….

God was not sullied by the suffering, insulted by the issues, restrained by the ruckus, pressured by the problems, hindered by the hurt or discouraged by the disloyal.   

Despite all the injustice, evil and idolatry around the nations –

God IS still in His temple, still on His throne.

This book has great verses regarding faith – so great that the apostle Paul and Martin Luther would repeat them. The wonder of this book did not start with God’s answer regarding circumstances. It came from the Revelation that the deepest depth of our pain – is heard, seen and understood by the God of the universe. It is not dismissed, it is not sidelined, ignored or forgotten. Every cry, every tear, every fear… not wasted. Every cry, every tear, every fear – material needed for God’s purpose, every cry, every tear, every fear – surrendered to GOD, will be met with GOD Himself.    

During Habakkuk’s accusations, we hear him identifying God as everlasting Lord, Holy One and his Rock. These are the words of a man who BEFORE the trials, had made God his LORD. This is not a prophet begging a master, but a son inquiring of a father. It speaks to relationship, connection and trust– before the answer comes. The foundation is Habakkuk having enough of a bridge that when times got hard, he could go to God in prayer and ask the tough questions. God was not shaken by Habakkuk’s fears or doubts, He was not irritated by his accusations.

Maybe you struggle with prayer, wanting to do “right”.  See Matthew 6 and Luke 11 for the way Jesus taught his disciples to pray. I believe that we are to pray not as a beggars but as children of the King. We are invited to pray with real pain, real problems, and questions, in full anticipation of Gods reply. Do whatever He says, then trust Him for His timing and results. ”Oh, the sweet substance of things unseen! Oh, the evidence of a God who is WATCHING! Our faith is not in the outcome here but in the Lord, who sees the outcome—in Eternity. “

Lord, our faith, our lives, our trust is in You.  





          We’ve a story to tell to the Nations…



I usually post a blog a month. This one is for April but I decided to post early as people have more time to study. I included notes from the entire book of Nahum. It is long but life-changing. I promise your view of God and trust will increase if you ponder and study this book.  Happy reading. It’s not a lightweight book but will yield great results in your life.

Nahum is a little known or preached book. For those of you old enough to remember Paul Harvey, this is the “rest of the story” regarding Ninevah. After Jonah preached there, the people and the King repented but it was short lived – 100 years later they were back to their old antics. Lest we think it was just being lukewarm or culturally not PC, it was more than that. This group of people were involved in prostitution, killing children, skinning men alive and dismembering people they didn’t like. I’m so glad Micah is placed between these two books because we need a stronger reminder then and NOW that God is just and will NOT let sin go unpunished.

Unlike Jonah, who was strange with wild miracles under his belt, Nahum was cut from a different cloth and his life can be traced historically. Both were needed to reach Ninvevah.  Perhaps we know less about Jonah because the scholars, like Jonah, could not tolerate these “unsavory individuals” getting converted. People are not pleased when their enemies avoid wrath. Nahum does a great poetic work as he explains his “burden”, the prophetic vision. At first and second read it seems discouraging – at least if you are a Ninevite. The punishments are deserved and final. Nahum will cajole them to rally if perchance something will change, while still knowing God has reached His limit.

Typically you won’t hear this book preached to encourage the saints. This is a dark book of atrocities and judgement, however, If we draw out the pattern of God’s oversight, we will see clearly His intent to bless any who turn to Him. Can God move even in dark seasons and trials? Even in this book we can come to know and love the God who oversees everything.

This book is powerful if you want to know and clearly see God’s heart.

Anxiety in this book is off the charts as people process God’s wrath.   When people are running to idols, rejecting God and repeating sinful practices, it is imperative that we look for God, look to God. Nahum does that for the people of his generation and for us. Many know about God but wouldn’t you like to know what He’s like and how He acts? These are some of the things I learned about God while reading this book:

I: The Lord is a Jealous God

He does not like His people to serve idols. That does not just mean foreign gods, it also means when our jobs become gods, when our family comes first, when cars, money, a church building, a hobby, persons or fame separate us from our One True Love.

II. The Lord is an Avenger.

He takes vengeance on His foes and vents His wrath on His enemies.  Wow. That means God is not sitting back just hoping we all sing Kumbaya and endure. God actually pursues His enemies into darkness.  We trust God has our back, we trust He is making all things work together. According to Nahum, we can also trust that God will vent His wrath and avenge us, which seems foreign to “good Christian thinking.” That is the impetus for moving on (complete trust), not pausing to confront accusers or scoffers, we move forward in Gods grace to do His bidding. A NT verse comes to mind, “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked, we will reap what we sow (for good or bad).” Gal.6:7-9.

III. The Lord is slow to Anger

We saw that when Jonah preached and God spared them but here –their time is up and we are told that God will “not leave the guilty unpunished.” The thought is developed that yes He is slow to anger but when it comes –it comes with might and power. God releasing His wrath against the Ninevites was part of His power and mercy towards the people of Judah/ Israel. One punishment would bring deliverance to those who suffered and it would be swift. Please keep in mind as you read this that the cross will bring forth both God’s justice and mercy.

IV. The Lord is GREAT in power

I think the following verses are definitions of His greatness. He is above all, beneath all and everything in between. Note the contrast– the sky, the sea and flowers. That’s full circle greatness. I loved meditating on those verses. Surely THAT God is in control!

The Lord is slow to anger but great in power; 
His way is in the whirlwind and the storm,
    and clouds are the dust of His feet.
He rebukes the sea and dries it up;
    He makes all the rivers run dry.
Bashan and Carmel wither
    and the blossoms of Lebanon fade.
The mountains quake before Him
    and the hills melt away.
The earth trembles at His presence,

V. The Lord is Good

Is He? That’s what the enemy asks during crisis times. We need to settle that in our hearts long before the pink slip comes, long before the virus is announced.  It is difficult to see goodness when in trial, especially if it was God who brought it on. If we are opposed to God and repent, His hand of favor will once again rest on us. If we return to the Lord we no longer have to question if we are being judged or sifted. For those who seek God, for those who walk in His ways, the Bible states they will see His goodness. Nahum defines God’s goodness in this way:

God is a refuge in times of trouble.
He cares for (knows) those who trust in Him, 
but with an overwhelming flood
He will make an end of Nineveh; 
 He will pursue His foes into the realm of darkness.


Not only is God a refuge during tough times – times of trials and tribulation, may I also add pandemics,  He knows His people. He is specifically good because He knows each persons’ needs, wants and cares for them.  How difficult it must have been for Nahum to prophesy to both groups of people knowing some would choose to reject God and suffer the consequences.

Whatever they plot (imagine strongly) against the Lord
 He will bring to an end; trouble will NOT come a second time.

The verb in Hebrew (plot) is an extreme one and reveals to us that the people in Ninevah were actively seeking evil, actively trying to go against God and His people to achieve their own ends. Talk about a political nightmare. Can you imagine in this day and age people actually plotting against someone, treason with  leaders, hoping they fall? Sounds familiar doesn’t it? The prophetic voice of Nahum must have sounded religious, probably out of step with the popular crowd making decisions. If only they had realized it was not Nahums’ message that was being proclaimed but Gods’. The lack of fear, reverence and awe of God is evident. In our vernacular we could read this verse:

                                                       It ENDS HERE AND IT ENDS NOW !!!

When I read these verses to my children, I shouted  in my best “mama is mad” voice. It startled them. They said they did not think of God being mad. They did not realize that was possible as He is always represented as loving and patient. Hmm? (Side note: all books of the Bible need to be taught so we see all of who God wants to be in our lives). We talked about obedience and that even God has a limit to nonsense. Why do we portray God as a milquetoast? Why do we make Him out to be some elderly sweet grandpa without teeth – or justice? Where there is no restraint, evil abounds. Throughout the years, God has sent preachers, teachers and prophets to let the people know Gods heart. In these last days, Hebrews 1:2 tells us God has sent His son to speak to us. The message remains pretty clear – follow God and obey Him and you will be blessed. If you depart and do cruel things you will be pursued and punished. All the Netflix in the world can’t silence that, all the music can’t drown it out.

Here is  the big question for us this month:  Can ONE person make an impact? In a family, a town, a city, a nation? One? 

11 From you, Nineveh, has one come forth
    who plots evil against the Lord
    and devises wicked plans. 12 This is what the Lord says:

“Although they have allies and are numerous,
    they will be destroyed and pass away.
Although I have afflicted you, Judah,
    I will afflict you no more.                         

                                                               We can be one to harm. That’s tragic.  

VI. The Lord is a Yoke Breaker

13 Now I will break their yoke from your neck
    and tear your shackles away.”                         A prophecy of hope! NOW!


 The people of Ninevah, Judah and Israel lived in wicked times, chaos and turmoil. How bad do you have to be for God to point you out as the most wicked or vile? This one who appeared in Ninevah made a difference but for evil! He (or possibly she)  had literally planned to be against God, plotted and devised schemes that would hurt God’s heart and harm other people. Evil plots the second you want to harm another, not when full blown. Wickedness begins the second you wish others injury, not when the event occurs. Remember the wickedness in this city was dismembering innocent people and skinning alive their adversaries. They were cruel tyrants. One person had an affect that multiplied throughout the whole city. I really hope it was not a wayward believer. I’d like to believe it was someone from another ideology, but it may have been someone discouraged, rejected or lost in their faith. When we fall away from God we can not predict our outcome or the others we negatively influence. We need to take that trajectory seriously in light of Nahums words. Apostasy, a falling away will happen – we determine daily if that will be us. Father intervene!

VII. The Lord is a Good News / Peace Giver

15 Look, there on the mountains,
    the feet of One who brings good news,
    who proclaims peace!
Celebrate your festivals, Judah,
    and radically fulfill your vows.                        Keep praising – in spite of the tribulation!

I’ve read this numerous times but never stopped to understand it. Why feet? Feet are what we run with, position to stand with, provide motion forward. It is not knees sitting in a recliner that Nahum sees but feet positioned at a top level. Isaiah 52:7 states, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news.” When you live in a climate of death, torture and idolatry you take note of those who have something uplifting to say or do! I believe this refers to the Lord but it may have referred to a godly messenger. The word bring here is the Hebrew word basar (pronounced bah sayer). It is a participle that screams actions. The One is massively, with excitement and passion bringing good news, not grudgingly, out of compulsion or because someone at their church told them it was a good idea. My early ministry was in children’s church so when I hear this I think of a little sheep preaching the good news – a “bah” sayer. This person is rosy, fresh, brings gladness, announces beauty and is joyful. Wow! That’s the person I want in my corner of the world when darkness comes near. That’s the one I want to hear from when all other voices cause me fear or anxiety. Oh that the world could have more basars!  Oh that someone would stand on their mountain and proclaim peace. Did you catch that? I want that, I want someone to be that for me says the little sheep. We need to be praying “Lord, make me a basar and lead me to those who need Your message.”

Take time to adjust your prayer today.

Before the Pandemic started we had plans to help out a church plant. We had prayed for their city and made plans to advertise church services. We had looked forward to this event for months. When people are quarantined it’s hard to reach them. We began to pray for wisdom. Lord, help us to be “basar” (ones bringing good news) in our generation.

The one proclaiming the good news is sharing shalom peace. We know what peace feels like, we understand Christ to be our peace but how do we define that? The commentary’s say it means “Completeness, soundness, tranquility, friendship, favor, peace from war and rest. “It refers to wholeness. The one on the mountain told the people how to find and have peace. That’s good news!  Speaking about solutions and sharing with people that ALL peace is found in God and His son Jesus Christ goes way back to Nahum. Will we preach, will we go, will we publish? It mattered then, it matters NOW.

VIII. The Lord God is a Restorer

The text goes on to warn Ninevah and comfort Jacob. Were they wondering, “what will happen to us?” Did they consider the murder they saw around them, the chaos and think they were next? God, in the midst of evil, unrepentant Ninevah tells them thru Nahum, “The Lord will restore the splendor of Jacob like the splendor of Israel, though destroyers have laid them waste and have ruined their vines.” We forget that these powerful assurances came during their darkness – not on a sunny day in the middle of a church service. While their neighbors were being tortured and infants were being dashed against the rocks, they were hearing promises. We have a crippled faith if we only believe promises in times of prosperity.

I’m not sure if this is the place to say this but have you ever considered that we are not like Judah but Ninevah? If we have not established a relationship with God or given our lives to Him (see the how to get to Heaven page on this website) it’s possible we should be hearing the judgements given to Ninevah. I don’t want to falsely think all reading this blog are the ones receiving the good promises. If that is you, go back and read Nahum. Read both sides so you know where you will stand on that day. Are we more like the evil, unrepentant Ninevites or are we more like Judah and Israel when they were restored to God? It’s worth asking the question.

You’ll note I am skipping the part where God states they are vile and  “I am against you,” declares the Lord Almighty. God spells out how angry He is about how they treat infants. Is that true today? Yes, according to the Bible. He’s tired of their prostitution and idolatry  (rebellion). It is spelled out in this book what God will do after He has warned and re-warned His people. I think of the many calls to rest in the Old Testament – they were warned. After they mock, ignore and trample God’s word they are put into a mandatory rest in Exile in Babylon for as many years as they had ignored Him. God will have His way and as earlier stated, when it ends, it ends immediately. There will NOT be a second time for trouble.

I’m a wife, mom and blogger. I don’t claim to be a prophetic voice. I can however read Nahum and see similarities in our nation. Do we as a family, church, city or nation anger God by atrocities or sins? Have we ignored multiple warnings in our government and school system? I’ll let your heart answer that for you and yours.

I  believe there is another attribute of God (though silent in the text) that shouts from the end of this book. In 3, vs. 17 f it states: “Your guards and officials are like locusts – fleeting.” “Your shepherds slumber and your nobles lie down to rest, …no one can bring you healing.” Tough times.  It seems in every area the Ninevites had ignored God’s word and their fractured society was the result. God was seeing, was watching, was guarding, was shepherding. How awesome that God sends the forgiving one, the delivering one, the healing one and the saving One.  

IX. The Lord GOD is Active

After reading this book, I KNOW that the God who was watching over Judah and Israel will “never leave or forsake us”. This God neither sleeps nor slumbers. The Lord is our Shepherd and Jesus tells us that He is the Good Shepherd. What a contrast! This God also offers Healing because of the cross. Communion reminds us of Christs amazing grace and blood protection. Under the law in the Old Testament and in the Saviors words in the NT, God is telling us this is who He is and wants to be for us. Many need to hear that during this pandemic- it’s good news, its GREAT news! In this hour, in this nation and in our hearts, we have a choice – will we repent like Jonah’s Ninevah or remain hard hearted like Nahum’s? Will we stand and “basar”– bringing GOOD news and proclaiming peace or cower in fear and isolation? Nahum’s challenge is fresh today. We have a choice. We can avert wrath. We can be like the One who impacts ALL- for Good.


I urge you to reflect on the judgments against Ninevah in this book. I implore you to meditate on the characteristics of God that are so evident. Get to know the God of this book and the God of your circumstances. He wants to know you and be known by you. I believe He also wants those living in darkness and tribulation to see His goodness and greatness. Now you know some of His characteristics – Go, SHARE the Good news!!!


“Lord, speak this to our hearts anew and afresh. We choose YOU.”


             Our son Josiah’s feet of courage


               I love Facebook and it is fun to interact with people, hear their updates and share stories. I especially enjoy the encouragement and scripture from other believers. Lately, I’ve noticed that there is a predominant thread about our society not “listening” to one another. Young people don’t listen to older people, Republicans not listening to democrats, Evangelicals not listening to Catholics and of course the reverse happens when they don’t listen as well. I’m not sure if this is a new thing or ramped up because of politics but it sounds dangerous to not “hear” one another. By the time we do hear one another it may be too late. Consider this guy:

A 92-year-old man went to the doctor to get a physical. A few days later the doctor saw the man walking down the street with a gorgeous young lady on his arm. At the man’s next appointment, the doctor said, “You’re really doing great, aren’t you?” The man replied, “Just doing what you said, ‘Get a hot mamma and be cheerful.’” The doctor said, “Listen, I didn’t say that. I said you got a heart murmur. Be careful.”[1]

It is important to hear instructions clearly from a doctor but how much more important from God? In Micah we will come to understand just how important it is to listen carefully. Micah knew that judgement was coming, and that God was building His case.

This prophet was more than a visionary as he called people to HEAR, to really listen. It fascinates me that he called us to listen to something that he “saw” from God. God was upset with the nation because they were seeking idols, involved in prostitution, coveting others’ gifts, defrauding and robbing people and passing by others without a care. (God sees these public and private sins). They also had defiled and corrupted their resting and sacred places. While we can’t blame everything that goes wrong on God, in this case God tells them that HE is the author of the calamity coming upon them. Yikes.

There are many imperatives in this book as God through Micah points out that they really, truly NEED to hear what is being said to them. God tells them that He will massively gather them back after they have been scattered and that it is His will that the left-over folks, the residue, those remaining will be collected and gathered into one-fold.

The verse that meant the most to our family was this one:

“Break open the way – the One who breaks open the way will go up before them; they will break through the gate and go out. Their King will pass through before them, the Lord at their head.”

 So often we hear that God is the “Way maker”[2] and in this passage He shows Himself to be just that. We don’t make breakthroughs happen, we are to get behind the One who breaks through and follow where He is leading. Praise God! We can still kneel, fast, cry, scream and eat grapes all month to try to gain a breakthrough but Micah is pretty clear when he tells us to get behind the One who breaks the way open. Seems pretty simple – if we follow.

God calls out the leaders and asks them why they hate good and love evil. Imagine if our politicians answered directly to God. Wait, they do? While they should be embracing justice, they continue to have dishonest weights, scales, biases, actions and all kinds of nonsense going on. The culture is rampant with dishonesty and the people are weighed down with sin. In this wretched crowd Micah stands out:

               “But as for me, I am FILLED with power, with the Spirit of the Lord, and with justice and might, to declare to Jacob his transgression, to Israel his sin.” 

Is Micah arrogant or God- confident?

That is very different than the other leaders around him. So, what was Micah’s secret? Thankfully Micah didn’t have Facebook or the internet, or we would have to pay $19.95 to get his five tips to success. Thankfully Micah didn’t make DVDs, or we would have to wait for them in the mail to discover why he lived in a different category. We aren’t told in a concise formula but in vs. 2 we are told to “come up” to the mountain of the Lord, to the temple of the God of Jacob. What an open, beautiful invitation. Can you hear that in your life today – “Come up higher?” God, who melts the mountains like wax – HE will teach us HIS ways, so that we may walk in HIS paths. The law will go out from Zion, the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.” Later in that chapter we are told “we will walk in the Name of the Lord”. I believe these things were part of how Micah lived out his faith. Rejecting the idols and shame, sexual promiscuity of his age and following God’s law, word and ways seemed to keep Micah on God’s path, doing God’s agenda.

So how does one follow the law, aren’t there over 600 commandments? God gave us the law of love and said ALL laws were fulfilled through Christ. See Galatians 5:14 and Romans 13:10. We can read His word and we can walk in His name meaning we take on His name through spiritual adoption by giving our lives to Christ. (Go to the page on Heaven on this website for more information).

Our pastor has been preaching about Daniel for the last month or so and talking about courage to live differently in the midst of a corrupt culture. It has been a powerful series. He suggested we write “Daniel” on our shoes to remind ourselves to walk like Daniel walked. I think our walks would be different, bolder, more courageous if we did. We need reminders or we may walk like those going down wrong paths.  Micah, like Daniel, knew who he was and WHOSE he was.  

In the midst of a polluted, rotten, sinful group of people that knew God but refused to obey Him, comes this amazing promise that God will send them a new plan – His plan. In the midst of these promises the daughters are promised courage and strength – power to rise, thresh and break to pieces many nations. God empowered women in the Old Testament. Yes, it’s right there in the text! This One that comes will stand and shepherd His flock in the strength of the Lord, in the majesty of the name of the Lord His God. IF you compare this passage of abiding and dwelling with John 15 where Jesus talks about abiding in the Vine, you will be amazed. This One coming will be recognized as the Vine that dwells or abides with us!

Vs.8 is a powerful verse that has been used by politicians and ministers alike. It reminds us to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly before God—however, it doesn’t start there. That verse stems from vs. 5 where God calls His people to ZAKAR – to remember. He wants them to remember their journey, remember the stories that God points out for a purpose. What is that purpose? We look back not to stay stuck in the past but to “get to KNOW the righteous acts of the Lord”. Knowing those acts builds our faith as we are reminded of God’s track record. Faithful He has been, faithful He will be. When we look on His goodness, when we think about His love, when we remember the way He was our WAYMAKER….    We are humbled, we are reminded of the mercy and justice we have received and how to act.

Micah points out that considering all that God has done the people are no longer acting like God and God is angry. This God who delights to bend down and show love, kindness, favor, benevolence and mercy is seeing in His people something very different. How disappointing. In our highly politicized world today, these words seem to resonate more than ever:

Everyone lies in wait to shed blood; they hunt each other with nets. Both hands are skilled in doing evil; the ruler demands gifts, the judge accepts bribes, the powerful dictate what they desire – they all conspire together. “Then Micah contrasts himself again and it is refreshing to hear:

“But as for me, I watch in hope (expectantly, eagerly, continually observing and carefully looking) for the Lord. I will cause myself to wait for the God of my salvation and my God WILL HEAR ME.” (Translation is from the Hebrew). This guy is all in. This is not a casual Sunday Christian or mere church attender. This guy is setting his alarm clock to check in on God’s doings. This guy is the king of spiritual disciplines and causing himself (through prayer, worship, word, fellowship and rituals) to understand and become intimate with His God. He is not merely sitting by waiting for the action but is literally bringing the action to himself, training himself to wait in God’s presence. Oh Lord may we be like Micah!

Was Micah legalistic? Maybe. Was Micah zealous and intense? Maybe. Was Micah rejected by his peers – most assuredly yes. We don’t know how the others around him behaved but this guy – according to his testimony, when others were becoming more hedonistic by the hour, this guy was high on holiness and experiencing Gods voice and love. I want to be like Micah! In the midst of a crazy culture gone astray, he was dedicated to seeking and finding God. That is admirable.

If you get a chance, reread this book – or may I say cause yourself to read this book again and notice the hard times and the high hopes of this prophet. He realistically sees the depravity around him, the lies, deception, fraud and hatred. But… he looks up to the Way maker and gets behind HIS agenda. He trusts that in an unjust world – the JUST ONE is coming! 

“Do not gloat over me, my enemy! Though I have fallen, I WILL RISE. Though I sit in darkness, the Lord WILL BE MY LIGHT! Because I have sinned against Him, I will bear the Lords wrath….(How humble and honest that Micah puts himself in the company of the wicked, not assuming he’s more righteous but deserving of the same wrath being poured on the nation).

UNTIL ….  HE pleads my case and upholds my cause.

He WILL bring me out into the light; I WILL SEE His righteousness.” If you are not shouting after reading these verses, you may want to check your pulse!   What hope, what expectation, what faith!

               If these weren’t enough, in verse 18 it states, “As in the days when you came out of Egypt, I WILL SHOW them MY wonders.” 

God does not just want to be a dry dusty book on your bookshelf or a cold religion that you assimilate with on Sunday mornings so you can appease the family. God wants to be your everything and show YOU wonders. Wonders mean healing, salvations, transformed lives, etc. The God who pardons sin and forgives transgressions awaits to reveal Himself to those who are looking for Him. That’s incredible! Micah goes on to tell us that this God is patient and delights to show mercy. We know His favorite hobby – showing compassion and favor to His children. What a good, good Father, it’s who He IS.

Last year I was given some money to distribute to people that were in need. The requirement was that they were not told where it came from but were just being blessed because God loved them. I honestly can say I don’t think I have enjoyed anything as much as that experience. I got to feel God’s delight. I randomly chose people the Lord put on my heart and handed them provisions they were not expecting. Some cried, some shouted, some sang … all were so surprised and began to thank God. I got to feel the mercy and tender love of Christ. It was life altering. These people became aware that the Big, massive God of the universe SAW them. God delights, enjoys, takes pleasure in meeting needs, blessing, promoting and showering people with Himself and gifts. God is not a killjoy. God does not give rules and laws/words to restrict us –but to bless us and make room for HIM. If we follow Him, we will see His goodness. If we turn to idols and our own worldly pleasures, we will perish.

Micah was warning the people not because they were evil but because God was so good. God wanted them to NOT block Him because of their sin. He wanted to enjoy and take delight in them. The ones’going to idols missed out on their blessing and caused others to fall.

No wonder Micah called out and said, “WHO is a God like you?”   

“That was back then, and a lot has changed”, you may say. Micah affirmed his faith and caused his heart to be refreshed when he declared, “Lord, You WILL AGAIN have compassion on us; You will tread our sins underfoot and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea. You WILL be faithful to Jacob, and show love to Abraham, …

               In a nation where promises are the buzz word for political campaign slogans you may have become jaded. Everyone says they will make things better only to make things worse. We watched this last week as those guaranteeing they were THE candidate to change the nation drop out of the race to pursue other goals. And it’s not just politicians, I read the other day that the O’Hare airport in Chicago has doubled their budget continually over the last 10 years never reaching their promise to build a magnificent airport system. Each year they go over what they contracted by double and triple digits. The reporter suggested it is the running joke in Chicago because no one believes the “promises” any longer. It reminds me of diet goals – New Year’s promises that are in stone… until the golden arches come into view. Many spouses have promised to be faithful then leave for someone else. Promises kept seem like a dream from yesterday. But God, in our day, like He was in Micah’s day – does NOT change or lie. Listen to this, what Micah declared: “You will be faithful and show love….  AS YOU PLEDGED on oath (promised) to our ancestors in days long ago.”

Let’s fact check Micah’s prophecy:    Did Messiah come as promised?  Yes. Did He redeem His people as promised? Yes. We know from the NT that He died, rose and ascended to Heaven. Yes. God’s never broken His word.

        God promises us He will forgive. God promises us He will come again.

Until then, we can delight with Him in mercy, we can act justly and walk humbly as we look to Him for our example.

Lord, help us to hear your word to Micah. Help us to walk as he did with courage and strength before you. Thank you for this example Lord. In 2020 may our vision be firmly fixed on YOU. Amen.

Renae Roche 2020



[1] Start deaf jokes. Accessed 3/4/2020

[2] Michael W. Smith – Waymaker composed by Joseph Sinach. 2019.



February – the Book of Jonah

“In the eye of the storm, You remain in control. In the middle of the war, You guard my soul. You alone are the anchor when my sails are torn. Your love surrounds me in the eye of the storm.” This song by Ryan Stevenson has been on my heart all month. When I was a chaplain in a hospital, I would sing it almost daily. It resonated with all the trauma and pain I was seeing. The focus of this book many believe is a rebellious prophet or perhaps a heroic whale, but the real Hero is God – Lord of all chaos and storms. He will show Himself mighty in a land where the gods of chaos and the gods of the sea were regularly worshiped.


GOD SEES Everywhere and Everyone!


Jonah – or in Hebrew Yonah has been a favorite of mine since childhood. As I read and reread this book, I’ve come to a new appreciation of both the prophet who runs and the God that pursues. Jonah’s life starts out on a sunny day when all is calm and bright. Rabbinic tradition states he was a p preacher and prophet’s kid, you PK’s will appreciate him even more.  Jonah goes the opposite direction of God’s leading. At the very front of this book there is a crisis we are not expecting from a “churched guy”. Then he descends to Joppa, then to a ship, then to the bottom of that ship, then to the bottom of the ocean, then to the bottom of the whale and then to the lowest recesses of that whale. (Forgive me for singing “how low can you go from Grease”) at this point because it ranks somewhere between shocking and amusing). That’s low – and he sunk to the lowest not just physically but metaphorically as well! When things go from bad to worse, we can look to Jonah’s example. “Can things get any worse?” some ask, and the answer is yes, absolutely things can get worse– if there is no pause, no prayer, no repentance.

I delayed writing the blog this month because I became so fascinated with this story. We know the fish part and the miracle part but there is so much more to this narrative. Did you know the people in that area believed in a sea goddess? Her name was Nina. The Mariners on that boat were thought to represent 70 different nations – a plethora of gods they could call on from their own cultures. Chaos and darkness lurked in the sea. When the sailors were sailing along, everything was calm and they could not fathom (pun intended) things going any different, the winds picked up and the sails began to shake. At first, they thought it was something they just “picked up”. Then they investigated where each were from and questioned Jonah’s occupation, then familial background. His answer wouldn’t bother them, in fact it should have allayed their fears. A righteous man on board, no less the son of a righteous man should earn them brownie points with his god, right? Do the ritual, wear the robe, sing the song and dance the dance and all is perky and well. Kind of sounds like American religion doesn’t it? We put the quarter in the plate slot and out comes some earned favor at the job or maybe a special parking space at Walgreens. It should work that way; we hear it works that way but on this day…. It didn’t. A professor friend of mine wrote this week on FB, “Holiness is not earned, it is a gift.” These guys didn’t quite get that. Big muscle guys with ugly mugs and sensational tans were poking at Jonah’s pedigree and resume. When we can’t figure something out, we tend to blame things like race, gender, career. Jonah had to spell it out to them that his presence among them was the source of chaos and he needed to be thrown overboard.

How bad is God’s assignment if death looks better? Yikes!

Well you can do the math. Modern day Nineveh is Iraq. How many of us would want to tick off Isis or get blamed for bringing harm to someone in Isis? Drowning is not to difficult compared to torture.

Ever wonder why their gods didn’t work? Ever wonder why in the midst of all these other gods, none of them were listening or paying attention? Ecumenical folks say all religions are the same but as we see here that is simply NOT true. Tradition suggests Jonah paid for the whole ship, not just the ride. The goods, weapons, furniture were thrown overboard so there would be consequences for this cruise that went awry. Who do we blame says the insurance company? Who has angered their god? Even in that generation ALL GODS WERE NOT THE SAME.

The guy trying to blend in – the skinny, pale preachers’ son was not around when the storm first stirred up. He was no where to be found. Tradition says he was the widow woman’s son who was raised from the dead in 1 Kings. I’m not sure about that but it would make sense if he didn’t fear death quite as much since last time, they just woke him up. There he was –snoring in the bottom of the ship. He was resting which once a week is a great idea. He was resting however when the donkeys were drowning, not just in a ditch. He was resting when lives were at stake. He was snoring when there was work to be done. Time was almost up for him and his fellow sailors and he was in dream land.

This guys story often centers around his disobedience and a large fish. That is cool but when I discovered that he came from a religious family, “Jonah – the son of Amittai” I grew suspicious of this guys motives. He believed in the One True God – could even articulate sound theology about Him. Jonah knew God to be loving, patient, kind and slow to anger. He had a concise message. What he didn’t have was the love of that God – full of mercy for ALL in his heart. There lies the problem. Those who have been personally touched by that LOVE, can NOT keep silent. He knew of and about God’s love, but he didn’t know the God of love – great message for Valentines month.

Yonah – go to the 49ers, sure you choose the Chiefs, but I am directing you to the 49ers. Yonah, go to the Democrats. Yes, I know you prefer the Republicans, but I am commanding you to join the democrats. Yonah- go to the Irish. Yes, I know you prefer Jamaicans, but I will that you go to Ireland. We could list a million options here but there is only ONE decision to make – follow God or do our own thing. Yonah’s “thing” ended up in danger for EVERYONE and he became a “bottom dweller”.

By accident the captain of the ship woke Jonah up from slumber saying the exact same thing God had said when he found Jonah napping – “Get up (arise), go and proclaim. By accident Jonah preached the Word of the Lord. By accident he and the others called on God. By accident they figured out who was to blame. Then these mariners did the exact same thing you and I do when we can’t figure out where the source of chaos is coming from – we foolishly try harder. Harder. It does not seem to occur to us to worship, pray, repent or ask God for answers. We double down, we white knuckle, we blame the pastor, we blame the vessel carrying us (job, spouse, ministry). Row harder, row faster maybe we can outrun this chaos and get to smoother waters. The Bible states the storm then matched their intensity and grew worse. Side note: we are never a match for God’s intensity, if we try, we will always fail that test. Finally, like bad seafood needing to be vomited out, they throw jaded Jonah overboard. His body weight didn’t make a difference in their sail, but it did make a difference in their waves. Nothing, no sound, no flapping of the sails, no wind, no rain, everything slowed to a luxurious rhythmic cruise. (You can add Celine Dion singing “My heart must go on” here if you choose).  Peace came and all realized prophetic, wrong direction jobless, no joke Jonah had been right.

The sleeping sluggard affected his first congregation, but his papa wouldn’t have been proud. Instead of collecting an offering for his sermon–they had thrown everything out. When the chaos came these guys realized the only God who had listened was Jonah’s. Pretty significant insight- note that it came from the pagans on board, not the prophet.

The sea goddess had been shushed and Jonah’s God had been appeased.

All the pieces of conversion are present – they call on God, they change their course, they offer sacrifices and make vows. That’s more than we had seen in Jonah up to this point. The disobedient had challenged them and they became obedient. Preacher or Teacher, those reading this who struggle with their very human lives before getting up to speak, you understand this better than most. It is a daunting task to present a holy word when we know full well how unholy or weary, we can be in our daily lives. What a fresh reminder that it is the Message of God that is effectual, the power of the Spirit that is possible to transform men and women’s lives and we are just vessels. Jonah was in open rebellion when God used him to speak to the sailors. That’s hard to square with our evangelist requirements isn’t it? Wouldn’t that make our hiring and releasing standards change? Hmm – “you, the one running, full of sin I think we could use you.”

Mariners from 70 nations (according to the commentary’s) are Jonah’s first audience here. He explains with ease what has taken place and forces them to abort his mission to Tarshish. Four times in this story Jonah will display suicidal tendencies and straight up beg God to take his life in death. Depression did not prevent God from mightily using this PK. In fact, it kind of catapulted him into his destiny.  

This is a compelling story, a cute whale of a story but the question still stirs us today. It is not a parable, as Jesus affirms its truth in Matthew 17. The book of Jonah strongly reminds us that God is forgiving, compassionate and slow to anger. It’s what he wanted the Ninevites to know then and what God wants YOU reading this now to know. God is forgiving, compassionate and slow to anger. How then can we not share that compassion with the world? Who do we withhold this love from? Who do we think does not deserve it?

Let me offer you some options:

Kanye West – not a theologian yet drawing the biggest crowds to hear the Gospel. Many ignore his message since he is not “seminary trained”.

JLo – beautiful, physically fit actress and singer who is from New York of Puerto Rican Descent. She’s the first person ever challenged thru lawsuits for a half time performance while years of white women and cheerleaders and Americas Got Talent performers continue to do the same without rebuke.  Do they not deserve the love of God but the sponsors who paid them to dance do? Who decides arbitrarily who gets mercy and who gets punishment? The viewers who innocently or intentionally watched – are they more or less deserving of God’s grace?

North Korean or Iraq leaders

Presidential Candidates or politicians and which ones get it and which ones don’t?

People in your church who are on welfare or maybe have enormous wealth

Perfect people with made beds and clean garages

People who do not look, smell or act like us.

Which of these is beneath or not deserving of God’s love or compassion or salvation? Who decides? Can you see where our standards of “deserving” break down pretty quickly?

Does that mean we don’t hold Biblical standards? No. Does that mean we toss holiness out the window ourselves? No. Does that mean people can harm or hurt others without being disciplined? No.

What it does mean is that God loves the Ninevites from Assyria despite the stories of cruelty and torture. I honestly don’t understand why at times, but my heart is limited, my grace is cut short, my compassion has a due date. These awful people offered up their family as burnt sacrifices, they served pagan gods. I would say that is worse than adhering to a different political party! God wants us to reach them? Which Ninevite? Which Ninevite is unworthy of God’s grace? How many stones are left in the ground for us to throw and who among us is clean enough to throw it? Who is worth saving?

                ALL of them, the good, the bad and the ugly.

Why? Because HE CREATED THEM. Pro-life means Jesus is for giving all abundant life. We forget He loves adults TOO. Regardless what designer dress or jean they wear today, one day they were tiny babies that He designed and made plans for, full of hope and promise. One day they may turn from their wicked ways and make Him Lord and on that day, He will let them know His love was always available – they just needed to ask. He could not love them less yesterday or more tomorrow because He is constant – and He never changes. His mercies are limitless, new every morning (Lam.3).

Who God loves – that’s His decision and for His timing – not mine. I’m thankful that He reached me.

One day, He came and rescued my soul. One day, He showed me that He was faithful and present and oh so loving. If He can love a sinner such as me, who am I to deny another His grace and love? He reached low and pulled me up. That was Jonah’s moment of hope – He picked ME up.

This blog is not about equality or diversity or political opinions. It is merely a chance to look at Jonah’s fears and justifications for why he could not share God’s love with the unlovable or unlikeable. It challenges us if we don’t acknowledge God’s character or if we don’t truthfully say that He does not change His desire for ALL of those He has created.  My question from this book to you is this– Which of those God wants to save now as adults in their full belief system, fully living in wretched or righteous actions would you prevent from hearing or sharing God’s lavish love?

Jonah- son of Amittai, born into a structured, sacred religious system chose four times to DIE rather than bring God’s message to someone that did not fit his structure of belief. I cannot cross the aisle to Nineveh (or xyz…)  because these people are too gross, too sinful, too different. Today we face the same questions.

  1. What is YOUR theology of the One True God?
  2. Is He only those things (forgiving, loving, patient) for people who act, speak or vote like YOU?


I pray we will no longer try to abort God’s precious proclamations to those He sends us to. I pray no one will drown while we nap, perish while we run the other way. I pray we will all live out our purpose under Heaven, sharing the love that first touched our families and our hearts. Lord, help us to see with YOUR eyes. Lord, now, use us however, whenever, wherever and ….to WHOM ever You send us.

When I shared this post with my family throughout the month the boys said it reminded them of a song their friend wrote:

Watch “A song about perfectionism ft. Justin Binnicker Music” on YouTube

                Ivy Brillhart, Hadley Brillhart, Justin Brillhart – great job!

Every month we pray over the blog and those who read it. I was really touched by their song and the wisdom that went into it.  In the group Jonah reached were countless children and teens – all headed to destruction if no one reached them, no one loved them or told them the truth. The smart, the pretty, the rich, the poor, despised – who deserves to hear the full Gospel of Jesus Christ? Ask Him, then arise and GO FIND THEM.

Blessings, RenaeRoche2020




We Place You at the Highest Place….

Obadiah (NKJV)

The people that Obadiah wrote  about were mountain dwelling people. They were those who felt safe and unreachable, secure. Because of their security they grew in self-reliance. Have you ever noticed how poor or oppressed people cling to the Lord, trusting Him for their every provision? Some successful or wealthy people falsely think that being able to pay for their needs makes them unshakable. Obadiah was used by God as a mouthpiece to tell them otherwise. They were being warned that their time of judgement was near. In verse 3 Obadiah tells them the pride of their hearts had deceived them. Pride is an ugly thing. It begins with presumption. Presumption according to Webster is :


“Something you think is true before you know any facts about the matter.”


Reflect on that for a moment. How does that differ from assumptions? That  something you think is true when you are missing information but think you have it. [1] Ouch. No one is indispensable and no one’s fame lasts forever. When I read this book I can’t help but remembering  Electric Light Orchestras  song “Don’t Bring Me Down”. The Beatles who were thought to be invincible were overshadowed by this new group. They,  would be reduced in popularity as the years went by and the shocking truth is that we all have an expiration date.  Just ask the people in the cemetery. When we live like we don’t have an expiration date, pride creeps in.


Pride is characterized by arrogance, haughtiness and disrespect. It works its way into families, churches and schools. The “ism” group is produced by Pride and displays its ugly work. Ism refers to an oppressive and especially discriminatory attitude or belief. [2] It does not seek God’s opinion or report but creates its own. You know the ism group – racism ( rejection due to one’s color), sexism (rejection because of ones gender), ageism (rejection based on one’s age), elitism (rejection due to one’s education or lack thereof). It shrieks, “I’m better than you” and reduces its victims to being less valued, loved, appreciated, employed or involved. Sometimes the most prideful are those who insist they have the most “common sense”. It begs a comparison to be made with another which is at the very heart of pride and arrogance. It may even be a shadow – one thinks someone  else is better than them  and then lives accordingly. Sometimes pride comes in the form of pretending to be humble, real or righteous. Anytime we take on the role of  judge and presume or assume, we are headed for confrontation with the ONE who sees and truly knows ALL – especially the facts. As a New Testament believer I believe that BAPT–ISM levels the ground and makes us all valuable based on the work of Christ. All jostling for power, wisdom, strength, etc. rest at the foot of the cross. whew. 


The people in Obadiah’s world were listening to God. They took time to hear from God.

This past week I decided to stay home from a fellowship, overwhelmed with tasks, chores and holiday plans. I wanted to see friends. Toward the end of the day I felt a pressing on my heart to leave all my important tasks, “it’s time to pray”. It wasn’t booming but very quiet. I responded not to my day planner but God’s voice. I had to make a choice WHO and what I valued more in that moment. I was going a mile a minute on my own track when I felt corrected to pause. Choosing God’s kingdom vs. our own is imperative. Seeking God’s report and agenda is critical if we want His kingdom to reign in our lives.  If we slow down, pause… we give God room to speak.  How can we do kingdom work if we don’t know what the King wants on any given day or week?  How can we run with His word if we have first not heard it? I want 2020 to be Spirit-led. The people in Obadiah’s time did not have a need for God or His resources. Their self-reliance and self-confidence led to them pushing God away.


Cs. Lewis once said,

Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself — less. “ 

When we look up and think most of God, everything else comes into perspective. At our house we have to “catch up” on the weekends or we go into a new week drained and empty of that perspective. When we pause to seek God, we find Him.  Schedule the catch-up lest it turns into months and years.

In Muhammad Ali’s heyday as the heavy weight champion in boxing, he had taken his seat on a 747 which was starting to taxi down the runway for take-off.  When turbulence  became really strong, the flight attendant walked by and noticed Ali did not have on his seat belt, and said, “Please fasten your seatbelt, sir.” He looked up proudly and snapped, “Superman don’t need no seat belt.” The flight attendant did not miss a beat and replied, “Superman don’t need no airplane either.” [3]

Andrew Murray, in his book on humility said,

“Pride must die in you, or nothing of heaven can live in you.”[4]

I think that makes confession, communion and self-examination imperative for individuals, families and churches. How often? Well that shouldn’t depend on when you feel you need it because quickly we would all assume we were fine and go on without it. Heaven does not come from programs, events or agendas. When we try to achieve success or grandeur apart from God, we exist in a state of pride. Those who choose to share the mercies and  compassion given to them by a loving God, in order to impact others, live in a blessed state of  God-centered humility.  That then feeds a love and gratitude for Christ and blessings are exponential.

God also rebuked the people of Obadiah’s day for gloating, rejoicing over others demise. He drives this point home by repeating Himself several times saying basically that they were jerks in the day of their brothers “calamity”. God not only cared about how they treated Him but how they treated OTHERS. That’s true religion. He reminds them that “The day of the Lord upon ALL the nations is near; …as you have done, it shall be done to you… As I watched the media this past month I was alarmed. Obadiah’s words seemed to come to life and became very relevant. Many thinking they were acting for God were caught with blood dripping from their chins as they pointed out others flaws and sins. Obadiah describes the prideful people as “standing on the other side” when they were not loyal or even kind to those they should have been. May I ask the question, when did America become two sided? This prophetic word from Obadiah is not for the Democrats or Republicans, it’s for ALL who are under the Lords watchful eye. When did Christians go with Apollos or Cephas and think God would not notice?  Whose side are we leaning on? It MUST be the Lords side.

Hear the contrast:

17 “But on Mount Zion there shall be deliverance (escape from slaughter and war- a timely word!), and there shall be holiness (consecration and sacred setting apart from the common and mundane);

the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions ( to enjoy, inherit and take by seizing, to delight in).
18 The house (family) of Jacob shall be a fire (A theophany, an altar of fire),

And the house of Joseph a flame (weapon, sword, spear);
But…. the house of Esau shall be stubble;.

What do you want your house to be in 2020? Who do you want to be in God?

19 The South shall possess …– Obadiah lists mountains, lowlands, fields; and states that these will be possessed. Not because Obadiah decreed and declared it but because he humbled himself to sit before the Lord and hear GODS’ REPORT. God knows and determines the outcome based on His will and obedience to it. He was declaring and sharing what the LORD had to say. Big difference in the focus and results.

I love the contrast and comparison in this very short book. It is concise and God does not use many words to communicate His heart. Choose. Choose who you want to be and reflect. Edom or Jacob/Joseph? Pride and arrogance (Self-created wishes and whims) or humility and consecration (Gods’ word and directives)?  Free-will means we are given a choice but God firmly and finally determines the outcome of those choices.

The house of Jacob – they are positioned like logs awaiting God’s fire so they can become heat and light, an altar of God’s presence. Joseph – like a flame, a sword and spear in God’s hand, yielded to Gods direction. He was not content to fill in his goals for the year and then take ownership of his schedule and accomplish it. He wants GODS AGENDA and purpose. He was GOD led and directed, not purpose or goal driven. Timely word for Obadiah’s generation AND 2020.

21 Then saviors (plural)  shall come to Mount Zion
to judge the mountains of Esau,
and the kingdom shall be the Lord’s.


The last line to me is the strongest – the Kingdom SHALL BE the LORDS.  That is our source and place of loyalty. It is not what we direct or imagine. His report is His will and intention, heard by those who will take the time to receive it. Not what we decree or declare like a mantra but an accomplishing of God’s heart and purposes in the earth.

So Father, we posture our hearts in 2020 to sit before You, wait in Your presence and hear Your report. We want Your will and Your commands. Your opinion is our delight. Your guidance is what we long for. Speak to us, direct us; guide us for

                                                                                     Your glory.

We also pray that you would make our families, our houses, our churches and schools like Jacob and Joseph – ready for YOUR will, altars of fire. We love you Lord, KING of ALL.





[3] Ravi Zacharias, Can Man Live Without God, (Word Publ., Dallas: 1994), p. 7

[4] Andrew Murray, Humility