The Book of Ezekiel


When people go rogue and society becomes dark, it not only affects our Spiritual health,  vision, and emotional fortitude, it impacts our physical and mental health as well. Ezekiel was chosen to become a priest. Priesthood may have been passed from father to son so it’s possible this was a dream since he was a little boy. His installation as a priest would have been the same year he was exiled. Imagine praying, preparing to have this prime spot only to end up on the bank of a channel with a bunch of smelly reprobate captives. He sat there as a fellow prisoner of a radical king in a pagan nation.  It looked bleak, and for Ezekiel, it looked OVER.

We don’t have all of Ezekiels  narrative in this book, but it might have sounded something like this, “WHY God?”, “What did I do to deserve this?”, “Is this how you treat Your own?” “How did I end up here?”  Maybe you have said something like this recently or when things you thought were going to go a certain way – didn’t. We hear words like this when people pass away, or divorce or fall ill. It stinks, and causes us to question our identity, life and calling. 

Sometimes it even causes us to question God.

Pause for a second — note that God doesn’t freak out and tell Ezekiel that his destiny has been obliterated. God wasn’t shocked that Ezekiels’ plans were ruined or say “Oops, I didn’t see that one coming.” He also does not go silent in hopes that Ezekiel can figure it all out on his own. God doesn’t give Ezekiel a cliché “everything happens for a reason”. Nope. Instead, the God of the Universe starts moving towards Ezekiel.  I love this! Maybe God loved His minister more than his ministry or stones of the Temple? 

This is incredible – whatever angels or host or creatures were in the Heavenlies are now chasing down an exiled prophet. (The next time we see a light show like this will be while Shepherds watched their flock one night in the New Testament).  In Ezekiel, the angelic come close In a moving vehicle we still can’t figure out. Respect. Remember, there’s no social media at this time, no Tesla, no airplanes, no drones….

The glory of God (that was believed to live  in Jerusalem) elevates into the sky and transports to where Ezekiel is sitting with other   captives.  That is amazing!  The Holy God was still reaching His people.  Their God was not only living, and active (unlike the idols) their God followed them! He’s was coming for them.  God made sure that His priest was NOT ALONE.  He came for him.  That speaks volumes to me. This special, host travel crew came to bless and inspire. He was not a prodigal but the nation he was part of –certainly were prodigals as they had rebelled against God. Their hearts were idolatrous long before they ended up by the waterfront.

Guilt is when a man (or woman) does wrong things, or does something bad. Shame is when a person is bad.  These people were hardened, stubborn, and had turned from God to lesser loves and foreign idols. Their hearts were fake, plastic, and not responsive to God at all. They could add all the sprinkles and frosting possible but their hearts underneath were dry and stale.

Ezekiel’s Heavenly visitation refreshed him, and he began to teach, and prophesy.  The “company” showing up gave him courage. Perhaps God had to send angelic company because he was in such bad company. Their appearing strengthened and probably scared him.

The NIV tells us God told him, “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.” The NLT states it like this: “And I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony, stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart.”

It was the love of God that ran after Ezekiel in a foreign land. 1 John 4:19 tells us “We love because He first loved us.” Though Ezekiel was carried away in exile, though the holy temple was gone – God was still with him, God was still THERE. God’s love chased him down, ran after him, followed him to the new place. That new place became a dwelling for God, a place for His presence so Ezekiel names the city “Yahweh is there” – that place, that’s where God is – there. We know He is there because of the evidence– fruit, love, joy, life. That’s how we know God is “there” – in one’s heart,  family or local church. When God is there, He leaves a trail – a trail of fruit, healing and life.

Before we proceed with this story, how is your heart today? Fresh, renewed, responsive? Or is your heart burdened with idolatry, bitterness or shame? What God promised Ezekiel is also promised to us today. If we confess our sins and ask God to give us a new heart and life, He will come dwell with us and give us a brand new heart – FREE from guilt and shame (See the Good news page for more information).

Then Ezekiel gets some visual downloads from God. He does street theater to explain God’s word to people, and then, Ezekiel is shown a picture (Chapter 47) of a river. Not the small channel of despair where they gathered after being exiled. No, this little stream would surge into a raging river. It started small and then grew in depth and strength. In this book we see many pictures of the Holy Spirit – wind, fire, flood, earthquake, river.

In contrast, when sin runs rampant, it spoils everything, it depresses people, it corrodes communication, it spills over into abysmal rot. When God’s spirit spills over, it rises, brings fruit. It turns into Garden of Eden-type blessings. We can compare this River to the one in Revelation – full of healing and life. Ezekiel had a preview of one day hearts being changed and fresh, one day the river bringing healing and life. Then all will know where the Lord is at, He’s in the new city -there.

The Hebrew word for “THERE” is Sham. It means He’s not just with the religious buildings or sacred cities. HE follows us, He oversees us, He chases His own down to guide, love and make things new. After hearing a sermon last week on the River. I silently prayed while in a few settings and circumstances, “Lord, bring your river to this place, this situation.” Each and every circumstance changed for the better. He waits for us to invite Him in. He longs to bring His river to our broken places, our failures. His desire is to bring Heaven TO ME, TO YOU. Undeserved, unearned. How was your day? Well, God was there. How do you know? Well, because He brought Himself, He brought joy, He brought fruit, He brought peace.

Without repentance God will judge. His holiness requires that, but with repentance, God will move Heaven and earth to come to whatever dark place we are in. He will take away our shame and replace it with His very presence – SHAM – He will be there. Do you hear the echoes of “for lo I am with you, even to the ends of the earth?”

Wherever you are sitting – exiled, broken, weary–Let God bring change. Repent of sin, ask God in and allow His River to flow in you, in your circumstances and watch Him move. His word gives hope –and promises us that He will be THERE.

“There is a River, that flows from deep within. There is a fountain that frees my soul from sin. Come to the River… there is a vast supply, there is a River, that NEVER shall run dry.”

Maybe this Valentines month, you would like a real new, fresh heart. Not a glittery, plastic or shiny one, but one that is responsive, yielded to God? God still says, “Be MINE”. He’s watching, He’s waiting and coming for YOU. Will you welcome Him, invite Him in?
